Saturday, December 15, 2012

Knoxie™ And Trotski In "For Mature Adults Only"

UPDATE: Just in case newer readers want to know who the hell is Knoxie?, see here.


sleepy in saudi said...

You have summed it up exactly.

Anonymous said...

I am too angry and depressed to even try to be clever here.

samael7 said...

When a summation/encapsulation/parody of an argument is smarter than the argument itself, that argument is in trouble.

And rightly so.

Anonymous said...

Gun contol is important, but mental health for people like the shooter is more important. Did Saint Ronnie Raygun get shot before or after he threw the mentally ill onto the streets?

Johannes der Taucher said...

For all the folks who suddenly think gubmint should have a role in health care, here's a good test for mental illness:

"Do you feel a need to own a gun?"