Condoleezza Rice speaks at a rally today in Reno for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. An estimated 500 people appeared at the rally. / Jaclyn O'Malley/RGjCondi (or, more likely, the Disneytronic Condibot) stumped for Romney in Reno yesterday, and it sounds like it was the normal Condistuff, with the exception of her new trope about how the Republican Party is totally not anti-women, because look at me! "Well, I am one," America's Princess Diplomat declared to startled onlookers, "and there isn't any war on women."
Thanks for clearing that up, Condi! She also offered her hard-hitting philosophy:
Rice also repeated a phrase she has used on the Republican campaign trail: It doesn’t matter where you came from, but where you’re going.
Condi, if Stanford goes sour, obviously has a bright future ahead of her in the greeting card industry.
Also, Condi: no matter where you go, there you are.
Or the fortune-cookie industry.
Spoken like the only child she is.
Clearly this is Condibot model X71-- the version that automatically deactivates when her Vice President publically claims 9/11 was tied to Saddam Hussein.
The most vulgar person in American history.
Condi needs to go duck hunting with prince of darkness Dickie Cheney after slugging down three martinis at a private lunch of endangered mammals.
Maybe after the emt's are done picking the bird shot out of her face from Dickies shotgun, she can apologize to Dickie and his family for the embarrassment she caused due to her face getting in the way of his gun, and advising all the ladies that hunting mallards really is a mans game.
Ethically speaking it would amount to the same embarrassing bullshit. She is freaking embarrassing, really, she needs to go back to grading papers.
Yeah Condi, just put some junk in the stuff!
I adore how the GOP keeps dragging her out of her crypt to show America how inclusive they are.
She and Michael Steele have to be the hippest thing in the GOP since...ever.
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