Oops, sorry. I know I haven't been a very prolific blogger lately, but I've got computer woes again, so I'm a little hamstrung. I'll be back with more hairdos and obscure 30s gag cartoons before you know it!
Topic for discussion: whatever happened to Apple quality?
Apple quality? Apple quality control has long been marginal; it's made up for by the wonderfully good Apple product support. Only time it failed me was when Apple was having awful battery problems and my macbook pretty much melted; the poor kid I got on the line tried to insist that I was at fault for daring to use my laptop computer on my lap. His supervisor was very apologetic -- and fixed everything. (Computers aren't supposed to melt under normal use. That's a basic quality standard.)
I've not had problems with my macs, but I seemed to hear more complaints from people when the company switched over from the motorola processors to intel. That is entirely anecdotal, though, and by gosh, I just love apple products.
I worked for Apple in the 1980s. I owned a Mac in 1984 and I returned in just the past few years. I was VERY disappointed that there wasn't a simple low end Paint program like comes with a PC nowadays.
No PhotoShop craziness, just take two pictures and put them side by side in a really easy GUI. Too much to ask from the Cupertino Crowd? This century, the answers appears to be yes.
Re Apple quality: it exists as it always has; as an ever slicker marketing tool. Not without their merits but its shocking how cultish supposedly free thinking paticipants in Mac/ipad culture are when it comes to accepting technological (see this week's EDN editorial by Brian Dipert) & big brotherish hamstrings offered by big Mac; must be the toxic glow of that white fruit everybody wants to look at. (MS is just as bad but less trendy and are circus freaks at this point). As long as we allow our needs to be invented for us and we mostly do so out of laziness...
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