Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, accompanied by his wife Karen, holds a cheese head hat at Simon's Specialty Cheese in Appleton, Wis., Monday, April 2, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
...and God, playing against type for once, said no. Everybody knows God loves seeing people in silly hats, but not this time, alas.
And just to demonstrate that I don't only turn my "mean close-up" ray on Callista Gingrich, here's a tighter shot of what Rick Santorum looks like when he prays:

And now we know why his prayers are never answered. Also: subliminal "Exit" sign.
Santorum is much easier on the eyes than Callista, well physically speaking. Santorum, metaphysically is one scary mofo, when crowns himself Ayatollah Santorum.
Yeah--you can't get sarcastic with The Big Guy.
I'm surprised that he wasn't covered in Cheez Whiz on the spot.
Permi9t me to answer your question with a question: Would you look good in a Burqua?
Everybody looks good in a burqua.
Looks like his wife is using Santorum as a styling gel. Ugh!
Karen has some bad hair, huh?
The Pope of Pennsylvania!
Not original. Saw it someplace on the intertubes.
I'm . . . I'm having a Monty Python Life of Brian moment here.
You know the one, where Brian's followers schism between idolizing the gourd or the shoe.
Only it's Rick. And it's a wedge of . . . is that supposed to be cheddar or swiss? Swiddar? Not important.
The point is, it's like some fucked up version of The Calling of Saint Matthew, only not Carvaggio, not chiaroscuro, and with a wedge of fake cheese. So . . . I guess not like the painting at all. But still.
Hey Rick, you're holding that chair upside down!
That motherfucker has beady close-set eyes.
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