OK, I just watched HBO's Game Change, their hilarious and campy and completely unnecessary answer to the question What if Douglas Sirk filmed a documentary about Sarah Palin? It is a world-class cringe-a-thon, ghastly and overacted, over-dramatized, and so hilariously filled with significant glances that there's your new drinking game, and within twenty years it will be the new Rocky Horror Picture Show. And I loved it!
I wish it were just a little campier, though. It could benefit, for instance, from some strategically placed "sad trombone" sound effects to accompany some of Woody Harrelson's and Sarah Paulson's more strident reaction grimaces. Also: was Zach Galifianakis unavailable even for a small role? Otherwise: PERFECT.
Best line: "Thank you for cutting your mullet off, Levi."
So good.
UPDATE: I almost forgot the funniest thing! This movie is sooooo tacky that it actually features a "trying on clothes" montage, which is probably a first for a "non-fiction" movie about politics.
The actress portraying sparklefave Cindy McCain looked decidedly plain.
Yeah, the Cindy McCain was totally, completely wrong.
Missed it, alas. Was visiting a pal who doesn't have HBO... but then, I don't even have TV.
Think it'll find a broader venue?
Hey, I don't have HBO either, but that didn't stop me from watching it. *COMMENT WINK*
I haven't seen this yet. Do you have as high a "camp favorite" rating for The Reagans? I thought Judy Davis playing Joan Crawford as Nancy Reagan was HIGH-larious.
It isn't quite that funny.
Well, at least you watched it before you commented on it!
There's a clothes-trying-on scene in "Evita." Hmmm!
The actress Sandy Bainum has a website and she looks like a pretty blonde.
Did they just not get the clothes right?
My big problem is Ed Harris as McCain. Harris isn't doddering enough.
The problem with Ed Harris is that you keep thinking, "Ed Harris, Ed Harris" while watching him. It didn't work at all. Same with Woody Harrelson.
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