Look, neither is bound to be much fun, but for the sake of comedy, I'd have to go with Callista.
Elsewhere! Would you like to read an error-riddled yet by-the-numbers "Meet Callista" article from the UK? I honestly don't recommend it, but if you must, here it is.
Calista looks too brittle to make the beast with two backs with.
Perhaps the question isn't whom readers would rather, um, know in the Biblical way. Perhaps it's whom they would rather pie. You know, hit in the face with a whipped-cream pie? Ah, Callista!
The Daily Beast, by the way, "features" our goddess in a strangely straight-faced fashion analysis today. Except for the pictures, not a whole lot of fun.
I honestly thought they meant Ann Coulter. Because I am an idiot.
I read just enough of the linked article to learn that Callista is a meat packer's daughter and to note a serious dark roots departure from her otherwise golden helmet.
Ann's numbers will hold unless she gets cancer. Then TMZ readers will start eyeing Callista.
I love this tidbit: "She is as ambitious as Nancy. A practising Catholic, she studied for a music degree at a Lutheran college in Iowa before scoring an internship on Capitol Hill in Washington. She was in Newt’s bed in her 20s."
The phrasing--sharp as a rapier!
"Golden helmet of Mambrino / There can be no / Hat like thee / Thou and I now / Ere I die now / Will make golden history!"
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