I'm basically gasping for air as I type this. I hardly know where to start.
Can I get back to you on this? This one is going to take some unpacking. Meanwhile, you may wish to revisit vintage Condi Veep Rumors™ here and here and here and, most revealingly, here on PSP and here at Wonkette.
I'll write more about this, but *spoiler* I feel confident enough to say that this new Condi Veep Rumor™ will play out exactly like all the old Condi Veep Rumors™.
UPDATE: Recorded just four days ago on CBS News, is this an explicit enough denial for you? No?
PSP: But wasn't there a "Condi for President" website? Would she accept the VP demotion?
But that denial could be construed as a thinly veiled "yes". At least, we know it will be, by many Republicans.
I wish she would. Could you imagine her as Romney's go to for saying the things that Romney would find it expedient to delegate?
I just love the idea of Rice as a "loose cannon."
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