Do you know what is really bad publicity? When a mass murderer writes approvingly of you as an inspiration just before going out on a mass killing spree, and that's the situation in which horrible Pamela Geller finds herself and all of her friends. Poor Pamela! Normally I would never recommend visiting her toxic blog,
Atlas Shrugs, but she is just so totally unhinged right now (more than normal, I mean) that it is, for once, pretty entertaining. If you're lucky enough to not be familiar with Ms. Geller, she has made it her life's work to convince us that Muslims –all Muslims, not just radical ones– are utter demons bent on our destruction, and they must be stopped! But surely, surely saying so didn't help inspire Anders Breivik to launch his deadly rampage. Heavens no! So anyway, almost every post on her front page right now is about how she's really the victim in all this. Delicious.
Photo via
Islamophobia Today.
Oooooh! Sitting in the Minneapolis airport waiting for a flight...was just wondering 'how do I kill a few hours'...question answered...let the show begin!
Wow, is she ugly. Physically, I mean.
She had "it" to begin with?
It must be pretty entertaining unhignement to be noticeable, from the usual background of loose hinges on her site.
I'm so used to the lack of shame and/or introspection from such folks as Pammycakes after their toxic spew splashes inconveniently close to home, that it's hard to bear, but I'll give it a shot.
Is that her 'O' face? How barfingly sexy.
I went to that site and now feel intellectually molested. You did post a warning, but really, "toxic" doesn't quite do it justice.
I did follow the link, but then got the hell out of there.
I will leave it to you to paraphrase her for me.
For the love of the gods, please post something else! I'd rather look at Callista's hair than that horror. Everytime I check your site there's that icky-face; it's enough to give nightmares.
Face matches the love, yes?
Pamela, Pamela, Pamela, didn't we already do this dance with the witches and the communists?
Pazuzu speaks!
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