Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has a great editorial on CNN right now that you have to read because, obviously, it's so obnoxious. But it's also a great example of something I've talked about before. Here's Tony making a series of fantastically contradictory statements:
There is no misconception among conservatives as to what the ultimate objective is -- win elections. But history shows that candidates on the right win when they're actually conservative. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour has repeatedly said, "Purity is the enemy of victory." That's a nice sound bite, but it won't win you the Republican nomination or the White House. When it comes to conservative principles, compromise is the companion of losers.
And then he follows that up with the kicker: "Having said that, don't expect values voters to roll out a 'purity' pledge." Basically he's saying that there's no "purity pledge," it's just that 100% purity is required.
And that, Pony Pals™, is what the GOP is stuck with.
Mitt is a Mormon. Mitt says humans are part of climate change. Mitt passed universal health care in Massachusetts.
He's their best candidate and the "values voters" are going to hate him like poison for one, two or all three of those reasons. I would say right now it's about about even money if Romney or the winner of the Anyone But Romney bracket wins the nomination.
But I did love Tony Perkins in Murder On The Orient Express. My mom always told me to say something nice about people.
He was a pretty good Javert in that TV version of Les Miserables, too!
And there's the proof that you can't win the GOP nom without being a complete liar.
It's neat watching them eat each other for breakfast.
Except when it comes to fiscal conservativeness. Maorality is balck and white but numbers are grey areas.
Tony Perkins (circa 1975) was so cute. I saw a clip from Mahogany recently and was remided of that fact. That probably makes me a little weird (although I think Tab Hunter thought so too, so not so much weird as just really gay?)
The Real Tony Perkins was such a fine actor! He lives on for me as BZ in the film version of "Play It As It Lays."
"Differences of opinion should be tolerated,but not when they're too different. Then he becomes a subversive mother."
actually this tony perkins comments -- which equate to complete insanity -- are quite sane for the right
sort of like the Bates Motel
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