On the lighter side, of course, everybody is all a-dither about Dr. Ferragamo's upcoming appearance on something called "30 Rock," which I guess from the title is some kind of television pop music show for people born in the early 80s. Condi gets to play an awkward former secretary of state who used to date one of the Baldwin brothers. Weird. I think I'll only believe this if it ends up on the youtubes.
And then... something about golf, something about golf... sorry, I'm just doing this off the top of my head. Oh, right, this is an old story, but it's about something that hasn't happened yet (isn't that just the internet for you; by the time something actually happens, you're over it): Condi will be hosting a tournament at some formerly racist country club next month, so we can all look forward to that.
And finally, Condi was LIVE! ON STAGE! at Colorado State University last week, a sold-out extravaganza, and from the sounds of it, it wasn't terribly exciting. She gave her "It's so nice to read the paper in the morning and not have to do anything about it" anecdote which she's using in every interview, every appearance lately. "We do have a lot of work to do to defend freedom," she revealed. Boilerplate Condistuff. But they did the greatest thing! To make La Rice feel at home, they set her up on the stage with a moderator seated in, yes, a classic "matching armchairs" set-up:

It's almost like they followed my tutorial: the twin armchairs angled just so, the neutral background, the low table, the tasteful flower arrangement, even an optional flag! It's like Condi's returned to her special place. Well done, CSU.
Hand-held microphones, really? I guess things are tough all over if CSU can't rent some lapel mics.
I think they just did it (the mics) to make Condi hold a phallic symbol.
The asymmetrical flower arrangement is way edgier than anything ever seen from the State Dept.
Shouldn't it be "America's Deposed Princess Diplomat"? Of course, that might give a whiff of romantic exiled royalty, like the tragic Russian princesses in Paris in the 1920s, which is far too interesting.
Off topic but not really... I just saw a promo, Condi to be on 30 Rock tonight, as Alec Baldwin's ex girlfriend???
She doesn't have a flag, just an orange light that might be Hell beckoning.
Hell for Condi would be a world more boring than herself, a world where she wonders "Is there anyone anywhere who can say what they mean, or is it just all meaningless shit for eternity?"
We can hope, right?
But but but the matching arm chairs set-up missing the obligatory box of tissues. Although I guess that is more of a Middle Eastern thing. Oh well.
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