Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin arrives at Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday, March 20, 2011. Palin is in Israel on a trip that has raised speculation she is honing her foreign policy credentials ahead of a run for the U.S. presidency next year. Palin arrived in Israel Sunday afternoon after a stop in India. (AP Photo/Yuval Chen)
There she is in a foreign country, looking just like the tacky, frightened tourist she is. Apparently she put on a Star of David necklace and let that do most of the talking for her. But what is up with that awful, cheap vest? Is it not the ugliest? Oh, but there is, of course, something about that vest:

Ah yes, Rancho del Cielo, better known as the Reagan Ranch, one-time getaway of Ron 'n' Nancy and now the home of the ultra-conservative Young America's Foundation. So it's a "gimme" vest, probably gifted to her when she spoke at the ranch last month (I bet Dick Cheney got one, too). Most conferences pass out awful canvas tote bags; this one passed out awful synthetic vests. I bet she calls it her "Reagan Vest."
Between the necklace and the vest, it really shows that if it doesn't fit onto a bumper sticker or in a Tweet, or a cheap piece of jewelry or an embroidered patch or a Facething update, it's all just a bit too much for Sarah. Keep it simple; keep it branded.
She is truly awful. Abominable. Detestable.
A Star of David on her necklace - who is she kidding?
And btw, I love it when you say Facething. Har!
Run, Sara, run!
Two points.
#1: The clothes in Israel and India are a little odd and somewhat concealing. Is she pregnant again?
#2: Quote from the end of the linked story.
On her party she said: ‘Too often Republicans have the fighting instinct of sheep — they just sit back and take it.
‘I’m pretty independent and some players in the Republican hierarchy don’t like that.
‘I’m so busy I don’t have the time to play some of the games these guys want to play.’
Can someone give a modern example of Republicans just sitting back and taking it? And no, Larry Craig and Mark Foley don't count.
It has been a long time since I spit coffee all over my keyboard, but thanks to Matty Boy, I have done so.
Larry Craig and Mark Foley... *snort*
No American flag pin!?!?!?!? ON FOREIGN SOIL!?!?!?!? Why does Sarah Palin hate America?????
Did you notice the piece of costume jewelry that is missing? The wedding ring!!!
Dear Anonymous: good eye! If you go to the links, her wedding band is visible in every other shot, so maybe she just took it off to get through security or something.
I'd love to turn this into an Obama-sized kerfuffle, but it's just one photo, sad to say.
Dear Comrade: Haven't you heard? The Weekly World News says she was born in Russia!
Dear Fran: Glad I could bring back pleasant memories. I did not consider it a brilliant joke, just the low hanging fruit.
No... Maybe Bristol is pregnant again.
Am I remembering this correctly, that Sarah Palin now has more actual foreign travel experience than Bush Jr did prior to announcing a presidential candidacy? Because that's hilarious/depressing.
I wonder if she's going to visit Jerusalem. Or I suppose, more importantly, if she's going to be slouching towards Bethlehem.
Oh, Samael7, that's the best comment ever! What rough beast, indeed...
Is it too much to ask that our prospective preznitial candidates wear grown-up clothes when they go visit foreign leaders?
Seriously, a warm-up Nike jacket, sweatpants and a gimmee vest? I can't see her feet, is she wearing those platform foam rubber flip-flops?
Samael7- that is hilarious!
Mama told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all."
Oo, update! She did, in fact, want to visit Bethlehem, but didn't realize it was in the West Bank or that it was necessary to get permission to travel there.
Looks like her hour isn't yet come.
She ought to steal Callista's hairdo in advance of 2012. Pick up the football fans, the Texas vote.
Yeah Lulu, that hair looks like she got it done at Wasilla's Glamorama. I'm loving the streaks of orangie-blonde--it's so home streaking kit.
And the outfit? Hideousity.
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