Monday, February 28, 2011

Richard Cohen Supergenius

I saw the new Washington Post Richard Cohen headline, "Time for Arabs to reject anti-Semitism," and just knew it was going to be great. First step: make mildly amusing Richard Cohen photoshopped comedy joke picture. Next step... ugh... do I really have to read the thing to continue? Tsk, OK, hang on...

...I'm back. I read it. It turns out that the Arab world is full of the anti-Semitism! Reading Richard Cohen is always totally informative.


Nixie Bunny said...

He looks so intelligent in that pose.

drew in sf said...

"Vahnts I insert zee anti-antisemitonium into the zee beaker of 1% Arab Democracy solution, an amazing reaction vill be zeen."

Not to be a word n-word (not THAT n-word - the other one, with the funny moustaches), but Arabs are also Semitic. In any case Arabic is a Semitic language. We may need a more precise term for Arab anti-Semitism that will not confuse linguists so much.

John said...

Cohen is such a moron. Anti-semitism only showed itself in Europe for the first time following World War I because democracy had come to Europe? That's hilarious. He's forgotten the centuries of pogroms and other acts of hatred and violence against Jews that ocurred throughout Europe prior to WWI. The Spanish Inquisition, anyone?