Friday, January 28, 2011

Businesspeople With Briefcases Balancing On Wires Or Ropes

Another hacky cliché to add to your collection. All images Getty Images except for the last three. Tip of the hat, obv, to Edith Zimmerman.

Oh, right, and by the way, I stumbled across this cliché because I was impressed by this guy Simon Tisdall's take on the Obama Administration's reaction to things 'n' stuff in Egypt. Doesn't it just seem so right?


Unknown said...

What hath Robert Longo wrought, or vice versa

Anonymous said...

Yes PSP, I do think his assesment of the Obama egypt reaction is right on as far as it goes. Wonder what the banks have to do with this one? (in afghanistan its really about natural gas)

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

OMG those pictures are classic powerpoint/HR clip art that's crying out for some Dada makeover.

Cranky Old Batt said...

As an occasional photomontage artist, some of these made me cringe and I had to scroll past them quickly to keep myself from making a list of things I would fix.

Just so you know.

Sharkbabe said...

Wonderful collection of Mad Av derring-do themed horseshit .. every one of these images are study- and essay-worthy

Meanwhile, the movie Man on Wire - in the realm of actual doing rather than hucksterism

Karen Zipdrive said...

As fishy as the United States government's relations seem to be with Mubarik's Egypt, I am rather relieved that Obama is not an old, rich, white Republican like that last guy was.
Not that he'll automatically have the proper response, but at least the new regime won't immediately want to kill him.

samael7 said...

I've seen some great stock footage that someone actually spent some time and originality to make at least moderately appealing to the eye.

These make me feel a little deader inside.