Another Washington gay couple, who requested that their names not be published because the foreign partner is a Latino man currently living in the country under false pretenses and the American partner is a prominent Republican whose identity could easily lead authorities to the other man, said gays and lesbians fall in love in the same unpredictable way as straight people.
Juicy! Who could it be? Here are some more of my guesses:

Its too bad the article mentioned that it was a male gay couple. It would be fun to pair up someone with the chiquita banana.
Or Charo!
Peteykins, you insinuate that Newt is a hairdresser! This is a guy who has turned in two, count 'em TWO wives for newer models. If he is on your team, he's doing a great impression of being a breeder.
I'm just saying IT COULD BE ANYONE!!!
My guess was Ken Melman, but then I remembered he was going to NYC or something.. It'd be great irony that not only did he come out as a gay man, but also that he was in a relationship with an illegal alien.
I guess Callista and that whole Catholic thing are just part of Newt's whole "beard" thang. Hah!
It could be anyone. I bet that Dick Cheney sometimes got a bit wistful for Ricardo Montalban when he was still alive. Anything is possible!
I will never be able to see or hear the name Bill Kristol again without thinking of his secret love relationship with El Santo. In fact, I want to make the movie. Thanks.
A prominent gay republican. That really narrows it down. I've never seen so many people in the closet as the current batch of republicans and those that speak kindly and frequently of the right.
I want to be Aaron's latino pool boy.
Why did you suppress the display of THE SCHOCK TEAL BELT?
Wait. You mean the Chiquita banana is a female? I thought he was just a really good tranny nightclub performer.
Mitch McConnell. For sure. That girl just can't hide her fabulous stripes.
Here's the deal -- when the Washington Post -- says prominent they only do that to make someone feel more important they are. We're talking here a campaign operative. Maybe someone that was a convention delegate. It's no one elected. And it's not anyone you've heard of.
Aaron & Speedy
I saw that carved on a tree in the botanical gardens.
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