Sunday, July 04, 2010

Bruising Sunday For Michael Steele

Oh, oh, already today things are looking grim: John McCain, hawk supreme, was on "This Week" and not only called the erstwhile puppy lover "wildly inaccurate," but did so via satellite from Afghanistan. Ouch. "Chairman Steele sent me an email saying they were misconstrued,” McCain continued, hilariously.

Even better, horrible Joe Lieberman was very humorous, indeed, on Fox News, offering the theory that Michael Steele's gaffe was "unfortunate," but then turning it around to be superfantastic for the Republican Party, because it united them all.  United them all in hatred for Michael Steele. Good point, Joe!

More to come, presumably.

UPDATE: Jim DeMint called for Steele to apologize to the military, but like Lieberman and McCain, didn't call for a resignation.

UPDATE: Kiss of death? Ron Paul issued a statement commending Michael Steele on his (now retracted, sort-of) comments.


Karen Zipdrive said...

Keep talking, Steele. The check from the DNC is in the mail.

Jason Zenobia said...

Um, wow. Just wow.