via Huffington Post so, naturally, no photo credit.
All we have so far are photos obviously taken from, like, two miles away with a telephoto lens, but there you have it: new bob hairdo! Consider your world rocked.
On a related note, how does Huffington get away with never providing photo credits? God, it's frustrating.
A dollop of Twinkle Toes Hoof Glitter to Pony Pal™ Matthew for the tip!
Is that really her or might there be a Cindybot?
OMG you just blew my mind.
No comments on the dress, Princess?
And what about the photo on the front page of today's NYT??? She looks like the Queen Mum!
You're welcome, Princess. Always glad to be of assistance.
The Kansas City Star's website has the same phot and they give photo credit to Charles Dharapak of the AP.
HuffPo took a photo from my girlfriend's flickr account & used it without credit.
Good point about HuffPo. They recently ran an "OpEd" about how great internet voting was. And the "OpEd" was written by none other than a key executive of the company selling internet voting services.
Meanwhile, many computer scientists who aren't making money off of these schemes warn that it is insane to entrust our democracy to internet elections.
So FU Huff Po, for letting a corporation use an "OpEd" to promote their product, for not paying real journalists for their work, and for not providiing credits for photos.
Oh, and I love this blog, with or without Condi.
I want to see her in a mullet.
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