Big Tent™ or tiny $5 umbrella you bought outside the Metro station and left in a cab later that same day?
I actually appreciate the bluntness of the following:
But conservative leaders have warned the nomination of a gay or lesbian justice could complicate Obama’s effort to confirm a replacement for Souter, and another Republican senator on Wednesday warned a gay nominee would be too polarizing.
“I know the administration is being pushed, but I think it would be a bridge too far right now,” said GOP Chief Deputy Whip John Thune. “It seems to me this first pick is going to be a kind of important one, and my hope is that he'll play it a little more down the middle. A lot of people would react very negatively.”
It's interesting how it's not "I think a gay judge would be horrible!" but more "We've trained our idiotic voting block to vomit when they see gay people, so we can't do that."
And I find it weird to hear people saying (as in the linked article) that we need a judge who will "unite the country." No we don't. What do these people think a Supreme Court Justice is supposed to do?
I thinkI'd be real happy if Georgia, Texas, Alabama and some of the other tooth-reduced states would just go ahead and secede. That way we could just get on with the business of guaranteeing some more reasonable semblance of equality in this country.
I read those comments of Thune's as "Please believe that us conservative wackos still matter! Please pretend that it's going to mean something if Obama appoints anyone other than a Scalia wanna-be! Please believe it will be anarchy if the repugs aren't appeased in a Neville Chamberlain-like fashion!"
I don't know why the Gops have their knickers in such a twist. According to the Freepers, we've ALREADY had a gay justice for the last 19 years.
I read the comments of Thune's to mean "Feel free to nominate a GBLT for your second Justice."
As if they're not gonna try to hold up whoever he nominates.
Thank you, Princess, for reminding me of one of my favorite Python skits.
I can only imagine, but I'm sure you have a lovely speaking voice.
No matter who Obama picks, the rightwing will act as if Obama has lost his mind and strayed wayyyy too far to the left.
That being said, I hope he picks an African American/Chinese female to male transexual with an amputated leg, a speech impediment, an eye patch and a touch of Tourette's Syndrome.
Give those fussy rightwinger bitches something to bitch about.
Matty, I popped in the DVD and grabbed that shot especially for this post, because it was the first thing I thought of while reading the story.
The most amazing thing is that sketch is so short! Seriously, it's like one-minute-long!
I think a compromise should be in order...
Obama selects Mary Cheney as the next Supreme Court Justice..
Instead of murder boards, waterboarding will be appropriate.
Republicans will complain she is too macho, and makes them less mainly in their golf slacks.
I think Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome candidates should be consider, So the second choice should be Ann Coulter!
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