Image via newseum.org
Puzzle time! How many brand names can you identify in the image above? Try, if you can, to imagine the following conversation:
Newseum: Hi, I need to get clearance to use your trademarked packaging.
Quaker Oats Rep: What kind of project is this for?
Newseum: It's for an interactive feature on the Newseum's web site. We'd like to feature canisters of Quaker Oats in it.
Quaker: Great! You know, we've been aggressively pushing our Quaker trademark lately, on bus shelter ads, in print, so we're happy to cooperate.
Newseum: Excellent, because your product is featured quite prominently in one of our exhibits.
Quaker: Fantastic! And what exhibit would that be?
Newseum: Uh... it's... an exhibit about survival.
Quaker: Survival? Could you be more specific?
Newseum: It's about survival... in Montana.
Quaker: I'll need to know more. What's the title of the web feature?
Newseum: OK, it's The Unabomber's Cabin.
Quaker: Um....
Newseum: He loved your product! Hello? Hello?
Haw, and he loved Hershey's Cocoa® and the handiness of Calumet Baking Powder®, too! So congrats to them for landing the placement! I bet Cheer® and Purex® are totally green with envy about this:

Tide knows fabrics best!!
Cool! I always thought that he had a soft spot for Proctor & Gamble products.
My older son's kindergarten teacher went to school with the Unabomber. He was one of three math geniuses in her class. She married the other two (one at a time, of course).
Dude! Thanks for bringing this up, because it's been bothering me for weeks now ever since I saw it - why did they remove the Domino Sugar logo, but leave the package? Do you think Domino complained? They left all the other brand logos alone, so I am obsessed with why Domino got the scrub.
Me too, z7!
Maybe Domino sugar is a bomb ingredient?
I'm glad photo permissions were never this hard to get when I was in non-fiction book publishing.
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