Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quickie: Beneath the Valley of the Useful Idiots

Here's a fun quandary: you're a writer for The Corner at National Review, and you want to praise something Glenn Beck said, but you're aware that all of the recent Beck coverage focuses on how he's nutty, a conspiracy theorist, unhinged, unserious, etc., all the things you, yourself, wish to avoid being called. How do you start your post? Like this:

Say what you want about Glenn Beck, but [...]

Oh, well played, Jonathan Adler!


Karen Zipdrive said...

Glenn Beck's delusional insanity seems to be commensurate to his ratings. Give him an extra point and he'll be snake handling next.

Frank said...

Wait, famous Hairdresser and home decor guru Jonathan Adler writes for NRO? Who knew! I'll never look at a pot or a throw pillow the same way again.

Anonymous said...

As a long-time member of a social club that the Glenntard so brazenly also claims membership to (namely, Alcoholics Anonymous, whose traditions he has violated by identifying himself by name in public media as a member), I have to say that I have met a few nuttier ex-drunks than him.

But just a few. This boy's got a top-notch dry drunk rolling. Fantastical theories of how the world works, unhinged emotions, and a total lack of self-censorship. Someone send him to rehab.

samael7 said...

Good post title. I would also have accepted, "Let Us Now Praise Famous Idiots." Hee.

Diane Griffin said...

This is what I want to say about Glen Beck: Idiot. Tool. Fascist. Racist. I think they must have really botched his ass surgery, because somehow, he lost his brain. The mere thought of listening to Glen Beck opine on any subject is enough to give me a throbbing migraine.

There. That's what I wanted to say about Glen Beck. Thanks for the opportunity, Jonathan Adler!

Anonymous said...

"Say what you want to about..." can be added to the bad journalists' tool kit, along with "comes at a time when..." or "to be sure..." or "it remains to be seen whether..." "One knowledgeable observer pointed out..." is another.

Watch for them in your local newspaper! Cuz teevee reports don't even bother to insulate their inanities with these blankets.

Major Mel Funkshun said...

Some people say that Glenn Beck is an asshat. I would be one of them.

smapdi said...

Say what you want about Glenn Beck, but he sure do got a purty mouth.

Lau said...

Anon, I'm genuinely curious since I am not a member of your club but know several who are - I thought the "anonymous" qualification was a self-chosen one? As in, there's no problem saying that one is, oneself, a member of AA, but the idea is to keep the identity of other members anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Since AA is a program of attraction,rather than promotion it is suggested the members must remain anonymous at the level of press,radio,and film.

Anonymous said...

As a member of AA, I don't really care that Beck announces that he is also a member (except for the fact it gives the organization a bad name because he's a certifiable lunatic). I'm just thankful I've never watched any of his rants, for that would surely drive me to drink again.

Kathy said...

But verification words can be pretty funny, why not go with the flow, and make up your own verification words for the Blog? Words like....like...swell! -and "So's your old Man!"

cwazycajun said...

Damm if this what happens to you when you stop drinkin and drugin them hell I dont think Im ever gonna stop if it means losein my sanity...by the way beck gives insanity a bad name

whatdafuq said...

I'm so glad to know you read NRO.
And I'd be very interested in your
opinion of Mark Steyn.