(All photos house.gov)
Mike! I think we may have found our first male sparklefave heartthrob! I'm grateful to Pony Pal Congressional Spouse for pointing him and, more importantly, his magnificent hairdo out to me, every bit as wonderful as his penchant for weirdly coordinated outfits for his family. I totally think they're, like, the new WASP Texan Partridge Family and I think they're great.
Hunky, tanned Mike's house.gov site is a magical wonderland, because you go to the photo gallery, and you enjoy soooo many photos of dreamy Mike and his gorgeous hair and then at the bottom of the page it says more photos, and at the bottom of the next page, too, and the next! Yay! So many pictures! So totes crushable! I love the above photo even more because Governor Perry's similarly breathtaking coiffure demonstrates Texans' great committment to superior achievement in cosmetology.
There are so many great pictures that your heart will explode with desire. Here's another fave, showing lovely Mike and one of my favorite things ever, a giant novelty check:

I swear, I wish somebody would make a web site which was nothing but hundreds and hundreds of pictures of people posing with oversized novelty checks. That would rule. I swear that would be better than cute overload.
This next one has a tragic, heartbreaking banner made of sadness, but I chose to feature it here because you can see so clearly the congressman's zeal, his sheer delight in being photographed, something pretty apparent in all the shots.

SAY IT! SAY LIQUID EYELINER! The media-savvy, musky McCaul also knows that if you want to make your hairdo look even more impossibly lustrous, silky and bountiful, just get photographed with bald men:

Oh, you haven't seen the last of Michael McCaul on PSP, Pony Pals! I am officially declaring him to be The Lyle Waggoner (LINK NOT SAFE FOR WORK) of Capitol Hill.
Love the Lyle Waggoner shots but what's with the little cherub child peering over his shoulder?
The photo with the kids at the swearing in is the best! It look like their plain spilled onto the child of the congressman next to them.
PSP, Michael is my representative from district 10, and I'll have you know, if Molly Ivans were still around, she'd appreciate his Good Hair just as much as she appreciated Governor Good Hair's hair
OMG, did you get a look at the map of his district? Not a drop of gerrymandering there, no not at all. The district should bear a tag that says "Brought to you by Tom DeLay".
Yeah, the guy's got good hair, but for Petey's sake, let's not ignore TX Governor Rick Perry's glorious mane.
He spends more time grooming his 'do than any of the women who lunch in Dallas.
His is wider and higher than McCaul's will ever be- PLUS he has the courtesy to use Grecian Formula so we never have to endure watching him age.
I'm all for seeing shots of McCaul and his coif- but please let us not overlook the gold mine sitting atop the grouchy head of Rick the Dick Perry.
His wife looks like a waitress at Hooters.
The five o'clock shadow and the sweaty upper lip in the first photo are especially dreamy. So Nixon 1960. *sigh*
Is there some correlation between use of hair products and douchebaggery? If there is I want to see the graph. . .
Happy New Year, Sparkles!
I don't know, Zip--this guy's hair is pretty awesome, and who could resist that manly jutting chin!? pRick may just have met his match.
Lyle Waggoner Playgirl shots? What a treasure! That looks closer to Carol Burnett-era Lyle than Wonder Woman-Lyle. Hubba hubba!
I love you PSP! anything you can do to advance the cause of mikey's mane and his other glorious attributes will be well appreciated, esp. by those of us whom he "represents." we know your influence, princess!
onward, 2009!
I too want to thank you for the Lyle Waggoner 1973 Playgirl shots. He was never my type (it's the baroque hair on his head), but it sent me into yet another fabulous time wormhole.
Ya know, if not for the beard and the litter of semen demons, I would think Mr. Perfect Helmet Hair likes boyz.
Just sayin'
Love the picture with Perry. You can just hear him thinking, Damn! Am I ruggedly handsome, or what?!?
Oh, what a heartthrob! that manly chin!! That grin! It's sort of a Dudley DoRight kind of grin.
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