House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., back row and second from left, stands with Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, during a mock swearing in, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)
I have such a treat for you! One lucky Pony Pal™ had her spouse totally, like, all elected to Congress 'n' stuff. Fun! Let's just call her... um... Pony Pal™ Congressional Spouse, OK? Anyway, she was at the pretend event shown above, as well as the real thing, and has this exciting eyewitness report to pass on:
I can tell you it is not much fun being a muzzled spouse. Sitting there in the House Gallery during the swearing in I saw so many metaphors defining the Ds from the Rs expressed in the way they dress their kids!!!! We could not have phones, cameras or anything. And I was just dying to snap the photo of the four littleVon TrappMcCaul girls...dressed identically in red and black ball gowns. What was it with the Republicans dressing their daughters in ballgowns on the floor of the House???? It was like they could not wrap their heads around a business attire atmosphere. And LOTs of them wearing identical stuff. But the impact of the four daughters of Texas Rep. Michael McCaul's girls in their billowing red taffeta skirts & black velveteen tops (how much more predictable can you GET?) surrounding their poor little brother in some kind of Lord Fauntleroy getup was ...well...a statement. Oh...and he marched them onto the floor from tallest to shortest ...or was it the other way around?
And, indeed, the creepy McCaul does have a thing for the matching outfits on his kids. Here he is in 2005 (AP Photo):

But not all was creepy or off-putting:
Oh..yeah...some wonderful power suits on the floor worn by the female reps...interesting cuts and and colors. Some were altogether too predictable. But some were truly fabulous. What fun to sit up there and observe the action, but SO frustrating not to have a camera or even a phone for messaging to friends.
I can imagine. The shoes alone must have made the trip worth it!
I don't know about you, but I'm super-excited by this report from Pony Pal Congressional Spouse and look forward to more in the future!
O the great and wondrous news of an actual insider of sorts. Thank you O Spouse o' the Congressional Type, thank you indeed!
In my way overtired state, when I looked at my reader I thought I read this..."....Daughters' Weird Diseases"
Me being me, I was all like "ooh - weird disease? what the heezy?"
Of this I am convinced... It actually IS a disease, but the parents are the ones suffering from it. Those kids are just collateral damage in the ravages of bad fashion disease.
And that poor little boy, I see unfortunate behaviors in his future.
O the wee ones, always sacrificed!
Yeah, and what's with the red & black thing? Red for Republican, black for their parent's souls? The whole thing puts me in mind of the the Wicked Witch of the West's palace guard...
I am giddy with the prospect of a Congressional spouse reporting her impressions to you.
I promise never to ask her identity (but you have my e-mail address, right cheri?)
The only thing better would be if someone in the McCaul family MADE those hideous dresses.
Here's what I find unsettling: 2 of the girls are wearing appropriate black shoes and tights; the other 2 are bare-legged and one is wearing strappy sandals. So not proper for winter in DC!
Where are the plaid satin bows for the mary janes? This mother has forgotten all that 1991 taught her.
Puts me in mind of that poor Santorum child, in tears, clutching her doll (dressed in matching jumper), the night that poor Rick lost his seat.
Even though Mommy screwed up on the shoe thing this year, she's showing way more Republican consistency in dressing her children than in the 2005 photo. At that time, only the two older girls matched.
Years of therapy, years of therapy.
I'm all in a tizzy, just thinking of the fun we'll have getting reports from a bona fide Congressional Spouse. Thank you, whoever you are.
The little girls' footwear is indeed puzzling. At first I was inclined to give Mummy credit for not putting them in little white socks (see Roberts, John, children at swearing in) but then I saw the strappy sandals. What the . . . ? Maybe she let them choose their own shoes.
Is there a Flickr site or something where we could look at some of the other families?
Wow. This insider has much greater potential than David Phillips, no? Instead of mere icky tea room antics, we can get insight into all SORTS of icky Congressional behavior.
That being said, it would be great if you could get her to wear a wire into the little girl's room at the Capitol. I haven't enjoyed any good [expletive deleted] since the Nixon administration.
Oh dear, if you go to his website (which I can't include here out of respect for Princess Sparkle Pony's request that we not include web links, but it's his name.com) you will see yet more "children in matching clothes" pictures. Plaid skirts and giant hair bows!
A bit like Michelle's I'm having-my-red-period-all-over-my-black-dress get-up when O was selected (can remember for what), with their kids in their goofy red-black get-up as well. Maybe the family reads Stendhal for dinner ...
I think we should all keep an eye on that oldest McCaul daughter.
As a lesbo, I know the look of a future family member when she's forced into a goofy looking frock.
The eyebrows! The slouch! The wide shoulders!
She's even wearing what all dykes wear when we have to dress up--mary janes.
My gaydar is going wild.
I believe Karen is on to something.I am definitely going to stay tuned.
And who knew the guy would marry Sandy Duncan? She looks great! But where are the Wheat Thins?
Loves and shout out to Pony Pal™ Congressional Spouse. You are a true friend.
(Those stepford robot childrens has scarded me.)
Wow, those are some goofy looking dresses!
And it is "modesty" dressing that they're doing? What's with the ugly long skirts?
Now I have to go see his site for the other photos.
thanks to Congressional Spouse Pony Pal!!!
Oh, boy. Just read on his website the three little ones are TRIPLETS!
Hi Karen Zipdrive-
That oldest daughter looks like my sister in all the pictures we have of her in a dress which stopped after 8th grade since she has pretty much never worn a dress after getting out of her Catholic uniform. You know who else doesn't wear a dress? Her roommate Ruth. Ruth's a librarian who likes plaid, Birkenstocks and fishing. Do you think this girl will turn out like my sister?
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