A lot of people had a "Wow, that was fast" moment yesterday when the White House's web site changed from torturey to hopey. The same happened to State.gov! The DoS web team may have been a little too enthusiastic in scrubbing Condi from the site, though, as humorously seen above. It's almost like she never happened!
UPDATE: Why, hello, Americablog readers! Sadly, state.gov fixed the "problem."
who is condi?
Condi? You mean Dondi, the adorable cartoon character from the past?
Or Blondie, America's favorite high-heeled housewife?
Am I the only one who thinks "You are in Secretary of State-Designate Hillary Clinton" is a rather odd turn of phrase?
I'm sure we must have had a Secretary of State since 2005, but, for the life of me, I can't quite remember who it was.
Sadly, it appears they've fixed it this morning. Condi is apparently only momentarily forgettable.
They fixed it because they read PSP before they read their own home page. At least they have their priorities straight.
Is it possible we just imagined her all along . . . that she was a mass shared delusion?!
It's a good thing your photoblog has documented all those fun and fab Condi years. It'd be a real shame if future generations couldn't read all about her many successes... oh, uh... well, her many hairstyle alerts.
does Colin actually not have a full middle name? just an initial?
class act that Hillary-led DoS....
Can't wait to see all the hosannas for the new Secretary of State. Be advised, Princess Sparkle Pony and your sarcastic warped minions that the new lady in State Dept town won't be amused by or tolerate your nonsensical drivel. But no one expects that you will hurl the same types of insults and cruel comments at the brand-new sparkling queen of the Department. Was that only saved for ladies of darker hue from Birmingham? Fie on you all.
wasn't there a porn actress once named Condi? or was that Candi...
so... who are we talking about again??
The SecState page still says "You are in Secretary of State-Designate Hilary Rodham Clinton".
I don't know that I want to be in her. :D
You're on to me, Anonymous; the only reason I ever made fun of Condi was because of her race. It certainly had nothing to do with her actions or policies!
Whew! It's great to get that off my chest.
TeleFrank - according to Wikipedia, Colin Powell's middle name is Luther.
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