President Barack Obama kisses first lady Michelle Obama after delivering his inaugural address at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
My opinion? Michelle's green gloves (SO JEALOUS), perfectly matched to her Jimmy Choos, bode well for a stylish White House.
Yanno Jello liked to wear green gloves.
I've been trying to find a pair of green gloves, like, forever, and then I see Michelle wearing just exactly the kind I want. I was all, totally, like, "GIVE ME THOSE."
OMG Princesss please, I implore you, find us a picture of the shoes! I only saw one shot and they were in shadow. I've been going crazy since I heard them described as 'teal' What is the color? Do they really match the gloves? I am dying of curiosity.
She was radiant! Quite possibly the best outfit this town has ever seen.
Loved the outfit. But have ONE quibble designers!!!1!
She needed another closure lower down on the top coat for this weather. Sure the line was stunning, but a human needs to keep the torso warm in the 18 degree cold of winter DC.
She looked cold when the wind blew under her coat and tried to hold it closed many times. Good fashion should be comfortable and weather appropriate above all else.
Hey you kids! Get a room!
I heard the green gloves came from J. Crew. Girlfriend was stunning today and tonight. LOVE. HER.
Since I've been averting my eyes from television screens showing national politicians for the last eight years, it was quite a shock to see Michelle this morning looking like the most stylish character since Jackie O. Plus, she can wear colors that the divine Jackie O. could never even think about. Awesome.
The thing is, Mrs. Obama is the kind of woman who would look awesome in a potato sack or bib overalls. And those shoes DID match...
So we get lots of photos of her fashions, Princess?
You know, even after a greulingly long day that lasted way past midnight, am I crazy to think they went home to the White House and passionaltely broke in their new Presidential bed?
Yes We Can.
The dress for the ceremony was lovely but I do agree about her looking cold.
Can we talk about the ball gown? OMG, it looked like it was made from one of those old chenile bedspreads.
A. Diderot, they were slightly darker than the gloves, almost olive, Jimmy Choos. TO DIE FOR
Am I the only person who thought Cheney came to the Inauguration dressed as Mr. Potter in "It's A Wonderful Life"? The only thing missing was a blanket draped across his evil legs.
Good observation, Choff. Dr. Strangelove came to mind, too.
Absolutely, Choff. I thought he should have been carrying a folded newspaper and muttering about George Bailey.
Didn't notice the gloves on the tube, and none of the fashion pundits mentioned them, but they're divine.
Sorry, looked like she was wearing upholstery from grandma's 70s couch. I still loves me some Michelle, though.
I thought this outfit was wonderful, and I think she's magnificent. But the green gloves did NOT go well with the red case on the
Bible she was carrying. Not at all.
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