Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, left, stands with her daughter Piper, and Todd Palin, the first gentleman feeding their son Trig as they greet people at the Governor's mansion in Juneau, Alaska during the Governor's open house Tuesday Dec. 9, 2008. (AP Photo/Al Grillo)
Awwww, little Piper looks cute, but I'm at a loss to explain the peculiar sack Sarah's thrown over herself. It certainly seems clear that the Palins didn't retain any members of their McCain campaign styling squad. I think that's kind of sad. Sarah certainly needs guidance! Pictures like this are a useful reminder of just how buffed and polished she was during those brief, magical months when she was a noteworthy political figure.
"Some days, politics makes me roll my eyes and say 'I don't know if politics are in my future'," Palin said yesterday. No, Sarah, no! You must forge on! Bill Kristol commands it!
With apologies to David Lynch, this looks like the blue velvet version of her pink native Alaskan outfit
That it is a sack is one thing. One bad thing. That it is a blue velour sack is another thing. Another bad thing.
But those sleeve-thingies... with the black fabric? My eyes! They burn.
Although who could resist the charms of that angel pin up near the top.
Anyway, they need to redirect Piper's stylist to Sarah asap. She clearly still owns some of the Saks or Nordstrom clothing!
P.S. - when is that wedding going to be? I keep waiting!
Was there a star trek theme?
Wanna bet they dress the downs' syndrome kid up like santa for the next 38 years?
Getting all mathy for a moment, Bristol was five and a half months pregnant on September 1. Shouldn't the latest Palin bundle of joy be bursting into the headlines soon?
Oh my God.
No seriously, that velour thing is the wrong color, the wrong shape and the sleeves- well I don't know what to say.
And Matty, yeah, where is that Irish twin of Bristol's?
That is seriously some cheap looking fabric
It looks like one of those cold weather "blankets" with sleeves that you see advertised on T.V. You step in it, zip yourself up, and keep warm while you read, knit, talk on the phone, use the remote — or shake hands with people coming to the Governor's mansion.
The First Gentleman is still hot.
The First Gentleman still looks like a second rate porn "star" to me. And what is Sarah doing wearing my Grandmother's bathrobe? And why did she ruin it by sewing on black cuffs?
Go back to Wasilla.
Sarah's mystery attire explained: Immediately after the open house Sarah is heading out for choir practice, caroling and Walmart. It's what good Christians do at Christmas. Capiche?
Here comes Trigger Claus,
Here comes Trigger Claus,
Right down Trigger Claus lane!
And doesn't that look on her face just register pure disdain? "Well, crap, here I am, back in freakin' Alaska wearin' my consignment shop clothes. I don't want these people in my mansion!"
Yeah, you'd think she would have finished dressing before answering the door. Couldn't have the middle daughter welcomed guests until her mom got out of the robe and into her dress?
One thing about Sarah Louise that bothers me, is her
philosophy about the down's syndrome baby.... it seems to be-- someone else hold him/deal with him.
It's very rare you ever see HER holding HER baby.
That is just very weird to me.
Most Mom's have the babe much of the time.. because they want to.
I get the feeling she would donate him for the church living manger scene, in the wink of an eye.
Looks like a visitor with moose shit on his boots is tryin' to barge into the mansion.
Zoe, there's nothing wrong with being a skeezy, second-rate porn star. I still affirm my belief that he'd be better off on my side of the fence.
At least she didn't forget to put her angel pin on. She's trying.
Whose is that teeny tiny hand on the Girl's shoulder? Her dad's? It's so small! Looks to me like the kid has Mom's dress on and vice-versa.
Miss Sarah's pursed lips point to the fact that she's holding one in. Hence the robe thingie -- easy up, easy down. Soon as the hillbillies (well, the ones who don't live there) exit the mansion she's running upstairs, lifting that robe & leaving a honking huge present for Mr. Hankey.
Piper doesn't look cute. Any mother worth a damn would not dress a 7 year old girl in anything cut that low. Plus seeing this face as well as watching her on the campaign trail Miss Piper is already an experienced huckster and grifter.
These people are opportunistic trash. They belong on wife swap or cops, not leaders of the nation.
Reminds me of the scene in Gone With The Wind where Scarlett made a dress out of a curtain.
And of course the Carol Burnett Show parody of that scene - "I saw it in the window and I couldn't resist it..."
That event marked the first time crazy Sarah set foot in Juneau since "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast-to-coast."
Nice tunic top from the Dorothy Zbornak Collection, Sarah!
I thought Lane Bryant went out of business.
Little Piper has a taste for fancy clothes and expensive living - the little black velvet shrug, the silver satin low-cut dress, the necklace. Just like when she was wearing her mom's shoes, oh so cute, during the Greta interview.
Chip off the old block.
No one's noticed the comma omission that created the high-larious statement: "and Todd Palin, the first gentleman feeding their son Trig." He's the first gentleman to feed the kid? Doubtful, my friends.
Nice tunic top from the Dorothy Zbornak Collection, Sarah!
That comment is "full" of "win" or whatever the kids are saying on the intertubes these days.
Dialogue just prior to camera snap:
"Goddammit, they're early! No! Piper! Don't open the door yet! Todd, get the retarrrrrhhiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!"
It's what all the sluts wear! (that velvet bag is whole other story...)
Don't you see...she's wearing baggy blue because she's expecting another baby!!! You just can't keep Todd down...
Hmmm... Piper is wearing one of those cock-ring neck chains.
She just took a cue from Scarlet Ohara and made her dress out of the living room drapes.
the Palins are a busy (if not lazy) family. Remember Piper's Snow Queen costume last Halloween? It looked like they were so pressed for time they threw Piper's play Grand Wizard robe on her and gave it a new name. Here, Sarah, in the spirit of the Holidays decided her special witch tribunal blues tries to pass herself off as one of Santa's reindeer slayers. Why do I have the feeling Trig will be dressed in a Santa suit every late December for the next 30 years?
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