US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, seen here giving an interview at the State Department in Washington, DC, said Monday that President George W. Bush's administration's popularity in the Arab world was "not very great" but that it will eventually gain their respect. (AFP/Saul Loeb)
Condi gave an interview to AFP today and provided us with this laff-getter:
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday that President George W. Bush's administration's popularity in the Arab world was "not very great" but that it will eventually gain their respect.
Not. Very. Great. LOL. And why? Because they hate freedom:
"Perhaps it is not popular in the Middle East to say that it is time for the people of the Middle East to live in freedom, not in tyranny," Rice said in an interview with AFP.
Oh, Condi, you're so funny! Also, ha ha, she is soooo totally over that whole shoe thing:
The chief US diplomat was surprised when AFP, like other media outlets, continued to ask her about the wave of popular Arab support for the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at Bush during his recent visit to Baghdad.
"Do you really think in 10 years anybody will remember this incident?," Rice asked.
Well, actually, yes. Yes I do!
In ten years no one will remember "Dr" Rice, with the exception of students of PSP's blog (it will be a must-read on graduate-school curricula), who will see Condi as just a minor footnote to history that was an "excuse" for Pony to comment on the absurdity and stupidity of the Bush years.
Well, one of the best-remembered moments of his dad's presidency was when he threw up on the Japanese prime minister... so I wouldn't bet against the shoes.
Yes, Frau "Doktorin" Rice: people will remember the shoe incident because VH-1's "I Love The New Millenium: 2008" will record it for posterity.
The Middle East is just crazy for freedom. The Saudis and the U.A.E. are terrific at the "OMG! Did you see how many cool stores there are at the new Galleria?" kind of freedom, a.k.a 21st Century Freedom, and the Iraqis and Afghans are showing great skill at the "Don't Tread On Me" kind of freedom, a.k.a. 18th Century Freedom.
Perhaps it is not popular at the State Department to 'splain this stuff to Madame Short Timer.
Just for comparison, everyone still remember W's dad blowing lunch in the Japanese PM's lap 30 years ago. People may not remember the shoe heavers' name though (everybody seems to have forgotten the PM's name.)
That makes two shoe incidents, does it not? While N.O. was sinking under Katrina, wasn't the Frau doktorin shopping for shoes in NYC?
Is she kidding?
The shoe hurling was the absolute highlight of the last 8 years.
Once again, Shoe Lady demonstrates her grasp of history and popular culture.
Oh Condi--everyone still remembers Kruschev pounding the table with his shoe. Of course, that was a Russia thing, so you probably don't know much about that....
Confucius, or maybe it was, Charlie Chan, say: One cannot have Legacy without shoe attached.
Oooh! Even more Klingon forehead!
Proof positive that the lobotomy and drugs are working as planned.
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