Austrian Defence Minister Norbert Darabos, Interior Minister Maria Fekter, Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik and special Ambassador Anton Prohaska (LtoR) pose for photographers after a news conference about released Austrian hostages Andrea Kloiber and Wolfgang Ebner in Vienna November 3, 2008. The two Austrians disappeared in February while on holiday in Tunisia and are believed to have been held by al Qaeda's North African wing in a remote desert area of Mali. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger (AUSTRIA)
Yay! I knew she would be:
ÖVP Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik has said the victory of Barack Obama in the US presidential election is a "signal of belief in the future".
Plassnik said: "This result is like a moment of confidence. It is a new start – and above all else, there is the magic of the slogan 'Yes, we can'."
She added: "Barack Obama has won in a convincing way. His victory merges the topics of politics and hope, which is very important at times when people are fed up with politics."
Plassnik, who, polls have consistently shown, is one of Austria’s most-trusted and -popular politicians, said she hoped the Democratic candidate's victory would bring about change in regard to "future challenges like climate change and the financial crisis."
SPÖ Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer said: "With Barack Obama, a politician has been elected who has always been engaged on behalf of the socially-disadvantaged."
It looks like only Ursula got the memo about casual Monday, and everybody else is like "Damn! I wish I looked that good in my fancy duds."
And Ursula loves Barack? Are any Pony Pals surprised?
Yay! Ursula, we're trying to be worthy of you!
Maybe it would help if our government had more tall, blue-eyed blondes!
Isn't this Super Ursula and her sidekicks, NerdBoy, The heartwarmingly ditzy Reliable Assistant, and the slightly shifty Banker Suit Man?
I bet Michelle Obama and Ursula are about the same height. Maybe Ursula could send Mrs. O a nice pair of slacks or a scarf?
(I have never before used the word 'slacks'. I feel like a grownup now.)
"one of Austria’s most-trusted and -popular politicians"
But they totally left out other such consistent poll results as "most beautiful," "most statuesque," "biggest heart-throb," "Sparkle Pony favorite," and "Edelweiss bombshell" -- the nerve!
Yeah!!! Ursula is back! Missed you, babe. Yes, you are a babe.
Jess, I keep WAY too close an eye on this, so take my word when I say Michelle is not as tall as Ursula. Michelle is a little under 5'11", impressive enough, while Ursula measures a truly awe-inspiring and let's say it, Goddess-like 6'3".
I'm getting all tingly just typing this, though that is probably too much information.
I see your tingle, Matty Boy, and raise you a stomach-flip.
Gods, that is THE most melty Ursula pic evah ..
and digging Barack, well duh
thank you PSP for introducing me to the One True Fandom - Ursula ..
We want mooooooorreee Ursula!!!!
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