U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attends the 2008 Glamour Women of the Year Awards at Carnegie Hall in New York on Monday, Nov. 10, 2008. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer)
What can I say? I've been one of Condi's harshest critics, but last night at the Glamour thingy, she looked... sensational. Condi! Wow! Here's a little more info:
Coming so close on the heels of the election, the ceremony's typically motley mix of politicians and entertainers felt particularly pronounced. Fergie, wearing white and silver Michael Kors, gushed that she wanted to meet honoree Hillary Clinton: "I'm putting that out there."
Honoree Tyra Banks, sporting sleek black Gucci, said she was nervous about the company she was keeping. "I heard they don't have a teleprompter, so I'm like, 'OK, I'm going to just have to go off the cuff in front of Hillary Clinton and (fellow honoree) Condoleezza Rice.' "
Banks shouldn't have feared. Rice revealed that though she hasn't exactly had the time to take in America's Next Top Model over the past eight years (Banks says, however, that presenter Michael Bloomberg is supposed to be a fan), she was excited to meet the model turned media mogul.
Nicole Kidman, in town to promote her new film, Australia, paraded a L'Wren Scott cream sheath down the red carpet. Of her Women of the Year award, she said: "It's such a privilege. I feel a little overwhelmed."
Rice, resplendent in a chocolate and gold Oscar de la Renta gown, had kind words about her fellow A-list political honoree, Clinton: "I'm very fond of her, and I think she's a great lady."
Rice, who's looking forward to her own kind of change come Jan. 20 — heading back to Stanford, writing a book or two — said of another A-list political woman, Michelle Obama: "She looks wonderful in everything she wears." Her fashion advice to the future first lady? "It's OK to wear red once in a while."
Resplendent is right:

And the hair! OMG, the hair:

I'll have to monitor this fabulous hairdo development carefully over the next few days. That looks like an honest-to-goodness new style! I like it; it's, like, 80% less helmetty. Gosh! She's ready to star in a revival of Peter Pan! I have to sit down.
EDIT: I really don't like having to do this, but I'm afraid I have to show how awful Hillary looked, particularly when standing next to the adorable Ugly Betty pixy:

Condi-licious!!! Wow, she just looks so god damn happy! And why shouldn't she be.
I am astounded.
As for the last photo... I am sorry, who let Hillary leave the house that way? Brown bag special.
Also, it looks like Hillary's dress exploded all over America's dress. Tsk!
Daaaamn, Condi lookin' good!
ZOMG! Delish! She is soooooooo ready to get out of the White House and back to Stanford or wherever. That smile in the second picture is a total, "Haha, DC bitches, I'm fabulous! Kiss my black ass!"
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. It's a party for GLAMOUR, not MATRON.
OMG I hate to admit it but if Condi looked like THAT all the time I'd have been rootin' for her.
Way fabulous!
I'd like to see an armwrestling match between Condi and Angela Bassett. (In gowns, of course). Condi's got some pipes.
I am no "Hillary fan." Why, during the primary, I even came to see her as a hateful liar who would go as far as to play to the most ugly racist elements of our country, just for a chance to get the job her husband so famously held. I was relieved that her sloppy strategy and undisciplined staff kept her from that goal!
But I have to say, I don't think she looks SO bad in that picture. If someone had told her that when you wear a gown you also have to put on glamour makeup and a hairdo, this wouldn't be so rough.
Also, standing next to tiny Betty America, the plucky sniper-fire surviver looks like a huge Sasquatch!
Poor Hillary. Looks like that biker chick from Project Runway made her gown from Hefty bags.
I think poor Hillary may have been going for a kind of glamironic Meryl Streep look, but did not carry it off. Claire's got it - it looks like she just forgot the whole grooming part of getting dressed up.
And Condi - my, my. After only eight years, and at what is likely one of her very last totally high-profile galas, she finally nails a look that works, banishing all memory of the horrid prom gowns and even the epochal Red Dress of Grievances. And the hair! If she can get the bump on the right side under control just a tad, it's scrumptious.
Perhaps she wanted to make sure she leaves you on a high note, Princess!
And what about the musculature of the arms...
Hill looks like as if she's going for some sort of glamified Amish look in that dress. Someone should tell her that she doesn't have to worry about the rural voters in PA and OH now that she's back in the Senate.
Condi looks so happy these days! One can only think it's because her days of being a winner on a losing team are coming to an end.
The hairdo and red carpet completely through me. Was it Halle or Jada or Angela Bassett? Nope, Condi!
And those guns are just her way of saying, hey Madonna! Suck... on... this.
Hate sex between Condi and Madonna. I's probably spring for that if it was available on pay-per-view.
tsk. Too many typos. "threw", not "through". "I'd" not "I's".
I hang my head in shame.
The downside of these "glamorous" photos is that they will convince the fair sex, more than ever, that carnal liaisons with the male specie in no way contribute to the flowering of female beauty.
Whoa, Condi! She's got the glam DOWN, even throwing in the ever-so-slight and winsome head-tilt! Wow. And I definitely want to see her arm-wrestle Angela Bassett--to the death!
Holy Hefty-bag, Hillary. That's just plain awful. I mean, do you really need the grandma wristwatch half-way up your fleshy arm, honey? And Judy Dench is way older than you, but even she can look fab despite her age and heft. Get thee to a stylist, honey!
And who knew that Ugly Betty was soooooo cute!?
Hillary's not just matronly here, but prison matronly!
Condi looks absolutely fabulous! and happy! She must be so tired of her husband. I've always thought of her as a beautiful, attractive woman. What a body!
I love the short hair (it is pulled back for this event). She should get it cut short; it makes her look 10 to 20 years younger than her 54 years. It appears she has had dental and dermatology assistance (teeth are even and moles are gone).
Barbara Walters, who presented the award to Condi, told her to "fall in love" once she leaves public service because she is "young and beautiful."
-A PSP and CR admirer.
HRC was begging for the Glamour Don't treatment. Here is the link. Hope you don't mind.
Wow, it's like the weight of failure is slowly lifting from Condi's shoulders, and returning the years it stole. Well, good.
Hillary just looks like she hit the Pringles and Double-Stuff Oreos in compensation for her loss. I'm sorry, Mrs. Clinton. You weren't my first choice, but I'm not heartless enough to be snarky. Just focus on what you're good at, keep showing Sarah Palin what a real feminist can accomplish, and I have a feeling good things await you.
There is an admirable "fuck-you" quality to these photos that I immensely admire.
Condi looks great AND she looks a little Ertha Kitt-ish (the two are not mutually exclusive, I say).
Geez--Hillary's dress is a black version of Crazy Eyes--that tacky shirtwaist look.
Why does anybody make dresses like that, let alone buy them? They look like formal Mormon Fundie wear.
Condi looks so happy, what a relief it must be to have her own personal nightmare finally coming to an end. Just like she was so happy last week when Obama won- I'd never witnessed that level of emotion from her, and she's clearly lovin' it here. And the hair- looks better than I've ever seen it. Let's hope she comes out of her shell some more once she's fully released into the wild.
HRC- what can I say? If she was taller she might have been able to pull it off, but she appears to be anchored to the floor. It's nice to see a dress instead of a pantsuit for a change, but is she really so afraid of looking like a girl for a change? She should take some cues from Anglea Merkel- she's worn some great stuff to evening events, and isn't afraid of looking like a woman.
Poor Condi! Her mistake was to have hitched her star to the Bush family.
Tax dollars well spent.
Now, let's tak about her excellent intel on Iraq...remember? During helmet-years?
Holy Updo Batman!! Ok this needs to be her haircut, so cute!
In defense of Hillary, she has a tough body to dress, and this was almost a good idea....accentuate the waist, hide the hips and a v-neck to make her neck look longer...it just all went horribly wrong...
Would look better with TruckNutz
Condi singing Diana Ross: "I'm coming out, I want the world to know, got to let it show....The time has come for me to break out of the shell.
You go girl.
Girlfriend looks fabulous! And her makeup's perfect! No snark here.
Yeah, Condi looks better than I've ever seen her. Just wish I could get the image of all those dead American military and Iraqis out of my mind. Just because she looks 'fab' doesn't make her any less of a war criminal. Torture anyone? She knew what was going on a said nothing.
I know Princess, delete me.
Would look better with TruckNutz
So, so true.
Total upgrade for Hillz, but someone needs to tell her to take OFF the yellow pantsuit before she puts on the evening wear.
Condi: The Ellen/Ira Glass cut - very nice!
It's... it's... it's positively Eartha Kitt-enish! Tres fabu.
Oh, my! Hillary looks just like the nuns when they transitioned from full to half-habit in 1966...
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