(NBC News)
I was oddly disappointed with Matt Lauer's and Greta Whatshersame's interviews with Sarah Palin over the last few days. She's totally stuck on repeat, isn't she? Blah, blah, blah, the campaign wardrobe stories are false, blah, blah, blah, I never tried to get books banned, blah, blah, blah, people saying mean things about me are... mean. Or bloggers living in their parents' basements. Whatever.
So I was relieved to read the post interview analysis by error-prone NY Times TV scribe Alessandra Stanley, because she points out two wonderful things: Sarah Palin remains utterly, completely self-obsessed, and she will never, ever admit that she did anything wrong or even that she could have done anything better. Never once was there a moment of self examination apparent in these TV appearances, neither a whiff of regret for a stumble nor an acknowledgment that, you know, maybe she should brush up on a thing or two so as not to look like an overreaching cheerleader trying out for the debate squad. This magical combination of personality flaws guarantees that Sarah will continue to be entertaining for years to come, even if her chats with Matt 'n' Greta were duds.
What a relief! Praise her!
Whoa! Am I seeing things or is that a (gulp) - no it can't be... Oh yes it is. Damn... Is that actually a (Fran being the religious type crosses herself) a suede elbow patch on Matt's jacket?
Jesus on a waffle, I am now deeply disturbed, as if seeing Mrs. Narcissus wasn't enough.
Now that we've met in person, Fran, I'm sure you'll back me up when I say that you will never, EVER see a suede elbow patch on my person. Ew.
Shit. I give up.
Ok, what IS that statute on the table just past Palin? It looks like a Remington of two bears getting it on.
Fran I am got to meet the princess? Oy. I was in DC too, just not for long enough, apparently. Next time, I hope!
The body language in that photo is beyond words.
Ugh, and it's a brown patch on a gray jacket? Get a clue, Sherlock!
Self-reflection is for us wimpy "lower-48" mean types, Princess. I'm sure that when Cha-Cha looks in the mirror, she sees... nothing.
I can't tell from the picture, but is she wearing those damn Alaska earings again?
For all that is good and holy someone needs to snatch those out her ears once and for damn all.
Yes, those earing make me very tense for some reason.
FranIAm is clearly the winner of the day...the week...the month.
PSP will continue to be a winner, especially since Sarah the magnificent intends to whore the spotlight for some time to come.
I've read all the press, though I haven't actually watched any of the interviews. (I hate her so)
Does she ever name the speechwriters who "helped" write her concession speech? THAT business is the most interesting of all (I mean, besides the raping of Nieman's and other trash points).
Neither Matt Lauer nor Greta van Susteren are bona fide journalists. Lauer excels at interviewing early-morning celebrities, and van Susteren, like the execrable Larry King, has become a professional flatterer.
I have never, ever noticed what Matt Lauer was wearing, because I mentally undress him the instant I see him, so the patches would never bother me.
Terry, I think you're right. That bear is definitely rutting with something or someone.
I feel about Matt the way Princess feels about Cindy-- DO NOT make fun of Matt! He is the cutie-est of all and the sweetie-est, and has a stilletto sense of humor when it comes to Meredith and Katie and Al. Anyway, I like leather patches on jackets-- makes me feel all smart and Oxfordy. I mean not me, 'cause I'm a chick, but I like them on geeky academic type guys. Sends a tingle up my leg.
Just an FYI: Greta's last name is "VonPlasticFace."
Dear world:
please please PLEASE let Moosey McRedneck drop out of the public eye! These are serious times, and we need to focus on serious people and not idiots. Maybe it's Obama's 'fault' by keeping a low-ish profile in recent news cycles, but the media attention to Palin has GOT TO END.
After seeing the headline, "Palin says she'd be honored to help Obama", on CNN.com I wanted to puke. First it's a lie (insofar as her ability to 'help' any other political figure is completely non-existent), and second it's NOT NEWS. Any further coverage of Palin, that doesn't involve her performing her gubernatorial role by signing a bill making it illegal for seals to have abortions or some such bullshit, is manufactured news.
Please let this stupid fucking campaign die already. We have a winner, and it is not she.
Did anyone catch the interview on MSNBC last night with Bobby Jindal (Rep. gov. of Louisiana). The interviewer just bombarded him with questions about La Sarah! Jindal was looking a bit peeved. All this attention whoring is pissing off her own party! What fun!
Have you all seen shirtless Matt? HOTT.
Princess, has anyone done any examination of Palin's shoes? I've only caught tantalizing glimpses of them, but it appears since she returned to Alaska she's been wearing some of those very high platform heeled pumps. In the interview taped in their kitchen, it looked like little Piper was playing dress up with Mommy's shoes.
she sure as heck didn't buy those at the Wasilla Payless.
OH. My. God. In the NY Times article, Palin is quoted saying she wanted to introduce Mr. McCain on election night in order to “brag him up,” as she put it, “and do what John McCain just can’t seem to do for himself, bless his heart.”
"Bless his heart!" Isn't that what folks in the South say about someone they feel scornful pity for?
Does she know how this sounds?
Anonymous, they have Nordstrom in Sarah's area, so there's plenty of opportunity for fancy shoe buyin'.
And, yeah, I noticed the "bless his heart" thing and totally snickered.
PSP, if for some reason - induced by a fever blazing in your brain or something, you were to ever put a suede patch anywhere near your person, I pledge to you that I would rip the bloody thing from your body.
Shudder. It will never happen, just the thought of it is scary. Suede can hurt you, you know.
Now Matt without a shirt, mmmmm- who knew?
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