Image via McCainBlogette.com
Awwww... I am really going to miss the FANTASTIC Cindy, and coming across these photos of her in her bathrobe on daughter Megan's inane blog proves that she looks incredible in anything and everything. I'm a little disturbed that she's giving the gift of what must be horrible fashion to Megs, but let's assume it was a requested brand, not Cindy's choice, OK? Because Juicy Couture... just... no. Unacceptable. Sorry. Let's look at Cindy again:

She looks like a fun mom! But oh, noes! Here comes somebody icky:

Watch out, Cindy! Knot that belt!
Oh, Cindy. I'm going to miss you most of all. You totally don't need this campaigning nonsense, and you looked so happy it was over on Tuesday night! You couldn't disguise your relief, so I'm super happy for you. On to better and more fabulous things! But please, Cindy, don't disappear completely; I don't think I could take it.
And do I really need to say this one last time? I do: NO MEAN COMMENTS ABOUT CINDY. She is superior to all of us!
I have to commend you on finding Cindy. She is superfabulous and I will miss her. I can only hope that Ursula will get more press coverage to make up for the lack of Cindy on this blog.
Those photos of her are indeed amazing... She does have it all.
And you have served her well dear PSP, very very well.
I love the second photo. Look at that foot! The coy bent leg! My god I'm frightened, as a gay man, about how much I'm attracted to that.
I saw these earlier today... and as an ambidextrous fellow I have to say that I agree with Christopher. I'll hazard a guess that I feel even ickier still about being attracted to a woman closer to my mom's age than my own.
I like, todally wish Megan would stop blonding her hair and wearing so much makeup. And what's with that red bow?
She looks so happy and relaxed. I think she's pleased to be going back to her super-fabulous life. And poor, poor Megan -- Cindy must feel she's failed that fashion-challenged girl.
She's a physically abused wife. It's not a pretty picture. I'd put a link to the story but I'm scared of your "no links" fatwa.
You're probably already aware, but I just learned this yesterday and thought it delightful: Cindy's Secret Service code name is Parasol. Love!!!
Somebody icky? It's just Lindsey, the silly hairdresser! Cindy could parade around nekkid in front of him and it wouldn't matter.
While I'm happy for my country, I do feel a little bad for our Princess, because Sarah and Cindy would have been four terrific years of the Goofus and Gallant of fashion in Washington.
I honestly think she looks better in that bathrobe than just about anything else I've ever see her in. And she's happy and laughing and relaxed! She must be thinking about how she can get back to San Diego and the Marines on the beach and leave Grumpy Grandpa to molder in DC. Free at last!
I bet she was also all, "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out" to the Wasilla Wannabes as they boarded their biplane back to Nanookistan. Oh how she obviously hated them! Though her and Todd could possibly have had some hate sex, which would have been hot.
When Cindy stands next to John Sidney McCain III its hard to remember that she's only in her early fifties. He makes her look old.
Leaving him would be better than a face lift.
Cindy does look amazingly relaxed. Soft, pretty. Great to see what she really looks like when not in the presence of that doofus. Oh, and she would look much better in Juicy than Meggers.
This is the most relaxed she's looked since the euphoric days of, er, prescribed meds.
She really does need to get away from that albatross around her neck, McGramps. It's like he's stealing her lifeforce, not to mention her inherited millions. Divorce, baby, divorce!
There's no reason coverage of La Cindy has to cease! We just need to watch the society and business sections of the Phoenix newspapers.
I actually have a lot of respect for Cindy. She has worked hard. My respect was tried when she made a few campaign speeches, but still, she's awesome.
Free at last!! Free and oh, so fashionable!
Run along, John, and close the door quietly on your way out.
Aw, those are great pics! I was kinda hoping to have La Cindy in Washington (Princess, can you imagine running into her somewhere? Gasp!), but she looks so happy and fabulous in these pics.
I also wonder about the Juicy. Isn't La Cindy supposed to be *healing* the dowdy? I'm confused! But she's so fab!
This isn't meant as a negative, but in the last picture did you notice how many OTC painkillers are on the table? I count three large bottles. Must have been a rough night on the concession speech trail.
Do you think Cindy is wearing anything under the robe? I hope not.
Those are not pictures of someone who has lost something. Those are pictures of a fabulous winner! In a bathrobe! She looks fantastic.
It's a little sad that we don't have pictures of our little Sarah throwing a loser tantrum when the GOP lawyers came to pick up the clothes. That might have been fun.
Casual, studied, elegance.
We will miss her indeed.
She's no Rachel Maddow, but in these photos, even a tired old 50 y.o. heterosexual finds her strangely attractive. The laugh in the first picture, the leg in the second.
And that bathrobe. Swoon.
I think she is so happy that her national nightmare is over.
Did you see all those pills on the table? No wonder she is happy. It's Vicotini time!
Anonymous said...
"Do you think Cindy is wearing anything under the robe? I hope not."
I'm pretty sure she's nekid under there. See how she has her arms folded under her breasts? No bra.
Sorry if that was mean Princess.
/I shall not type word verification X 100.
What everybody said ..
And ferget them pills, Cindy, let's spark up a fatty .. and laff it up after you dump that tired old creep the way Liz did John Warner ..
Nothin but good times ahead, gf!
Terry in Maryland, Cindy has worked hard how exactly? She is an heiress to a fortune that her father acquired and left to her, she has people running the company for her, she married for prestige....hmmmm.
And yet, I feel for her emotionally. With all that she has she is not a happy woman. She has funded John for all these years because she was pushed to be the society link for her parents.
Look at his concession speech, when he finishes he first turns to Sarah Palin and Todd to shake their hands and then turns to leave the stage only belatedly remembering to give Cindy a passing semi-hug. Why is she content to come in last, especially as Obama is thanking his best friend of 16 years, his rock and his family's center, Michelle.
And how ridiculous were the McCains in various (ugly) outfits of gold on election night?
Look at that right knee and the way she favors it. It looks just like mine did until I had 40 cc's of fluid drained from it, not kidding here.
Ugh Juicy Couture. That is a dim spot in fashion history.
I have to say that one thing I've always admired about Cindy (in addition to her fabulous fashion sense, of course) is the way she and her lawyers made sure that everything is in her name. Well played. ma'am.
Oh, all these positives about Cindy are things I never would have considered thinking, even if they are mostly shallow observances of her MILFinesses. She did look very happy that John lost the election, and yes, his disdain for her seems apparent. I'll miss the old c-word, I suppose. (Oh gosh, I've never commented here before and surely this was inappropriate. Hi.)
By all accounts, friendly and otherwise, Cindy DOES run her company. She's not a Paris Hilton, but has some awful taste in men. Oh, and she was messing around with McCain while he was married. Other than that, she deserves a bit of respect.
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