(AP Photo 09/26/08 Sorry, no more recent Ursulaproduct.)
Yes, yes, yes! Austria is totally the newest member of the super-special UN Security Club, and it's all due to Ursula! And she's so excited, and she just can't hide it:
"Austria has made it! We have been elected to become one of the 10 non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for the next two years," emphasised Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik following today’s decision by the UN General Assembly to entrust Austria with a seat in the UN Security Council for the period 2009-2010. Austria has won 133 votes already in the first round and therefore the necessary two thirds of the votes required for a seat. In these elections Austria has had two strong competitors, namely Turkey and Iceland as the representative of the Nordic states. We shall work together closely with our partner Turkey in a spirit of partnership. Turkey has earned much respect in recent months for its committed mediation initiatives in its neighbourhood - the Middle East and the Caucasus," according to Plassnik.
I totally feel safer already knowing the affable Austrian giantess and her mighty scarves will be making the world a safer place! And if, for some reason, you still aren't convinced she's the Anti-Condi, have a chuckle at this little dig at certain large nations which Ursula is too classy to call out by name:
"If we don’t want to leave the shaping of our world to the big states, medium-sized states like Austria, in particular, must be prepared to assume concrete responsibility. In this spirit today’s decision is also a sign of encouragement to all those who are committed to multilateralism. Indeed, we can only find common solutions to global challenges if we cooperate effectively," affirmed Plassnik.
Oh, snap! To whom could she possibly be referring, hmmmmm?
A hefty snort of glitter through the velvety nostrils goes out to Pony Pal™ Bob for waving this in front of me.
EDIT: Again I find myself addressing the many new readers of this blog! Click the "Ursula Plassnik" topic tag below to find out more about our towering Teutonic favorite!
UPDATE: Um, some new Pony Pals™ seem to think that Ursula is somebody I regard the same way I regard Condi, Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain. You are mistaken. Ursula Plassnik is quite possibly one of the coolest forces of peace in the world, and I encourage you to learn more about her before saying mean things about her. For real, OK?
Scarf or baby blanket? Given her massive size, it might be a king size comforter for us puny humans.
Do I kid because I love? Do you have to ask?
wait - thats chastity bono in lady clothes
You're awful cute, Joe, but you're treading about as close to blasphemy as you can.
You need to accept Ursula as your personal savior immediately.
Hey- that scarf was originally snowy white but all those happy animals and plants jumped onto the fabric just to be near her fabulous neck.
That's better. Thank you, Karen.
I was hoping for some Ursula news, because she has been absent of late. I am so very pleased that this post not only contains Ursula + scarf, but actual good news for her and her hard work being an -actual- foreign minister.
She's a sunny, supersized ray of teutonic light! Just contemplating the affable giantess and her noted competency is enough to rinse out the unpleasant lingering residue of Palinhood.
I bow down also to the Teutonic Titaness -- but I'll pass on the "hefty snort of glitter through the velvety nostrils" thanks
Perky Princess, please stick to tossing the mane in future acknowledgments of yr Pals. Much more in character.
You're welcome, dear.
I'm so proud of the Security Council for making the right call in choosing Ursulaland--I mean, Austria! As if Turkey or Iceland could ever hope to compete with her Breck-girl fabulosity!
The world's a better place with Ursula in it!
I wonder what it's like to meet politicians who aren't hell-bent for power and riches above all else. I'm so used to the U.S. brand of pol that I just can't imagine. Oh Ursula, shine your light on us all!
Swooooooon! I wonder if she has a pair of those fabulous high tops in yellow peeking beneath her sunny suit. I Love this woman, and her confident style. Thank you PSP for making my day...
I wouldn't have thought there could be anything not nice to say about the Divine Fraulein. I'm horrified to think that some have tried. All hail Ursula!
I'm not going to say anything mean about Ursula but the print on her scarf is disturbing me.
Could you imagine Ursula in the same room with "hockey mom"? OMG...Im sure the first word out of Palin's mouth would be "who wants brownies???" at this imaginary diplomatic meeting.
Ursula would, with one gigantic swish of her hand, gesture Palin "BE GONE FROM HERE CHILD!"
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