OK, so Margaret and Helen are two 80-somethings who are best friends since, like, forever. One of them moved far away, so Helen got her son to set up one of those blog thingies for her so that she could keep in touch with Margaret. And then before you know it, Helen's off on a wild tear, writing the most hilarious and awe-inspiring rants about Sarah Palin you've ever read. Helen's not afraid to call Sarah a bitch and she'll tell you exactly why.
Some people are calling bullshit on Margaret and Helen, but I've got no reason to doubt their story. If it's fake, it's pure genius; if it's real, it deserves the American Medal of Freedom. I seriously don't have enough sparkley parts on my body to thrust way, WAY up in the air to communicate my approval of this magical site.
I gather this has been lighting the interwebs on fire for a little while now, so I may be late to the party. So pardon me if you already know about it.
PSP, you are the best person ever for recommending this blog. I'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe, which is usually something only you can do for me. As a fellow blogger, I can only say I feel utterly inadequate. But I'll never be able to thank you enough.
PSP those old broads MNargaret and Helen are giving your priceless Blog a run for its money.
Molly Ivins is alive again, channeling through them.
If you're late to the party, so am I. The Best Link Ever.
It's time to get my mother started.
OK, I'm totally relieved that this wasn't something you all knew about and were withholding from me. I was practically levitating while reading it.
Thanks for this tip. They're wonderful.
As ever, are you.
I dunnnno.... there's something about the writing style that doesn't feel quite like any 80-somethings I know. Maybe that means that Margaret and Helen are unique. We'll go with that.
and Sparkle Pony rules! anyway
I wish Helen was my mother.
And I wish PSP was related so I could spend all my holidays with the sparkly best-est. Oh well, thanks for the site recc. Teh funny.
My 85 year old father in law has been writing an anti-Bush and anti-Republican blog in rhyme for about 5 years now. I've seen Margeret and Helen's blog before and I don't see anything about it that suggests it's a fake.
I heard about Margaret and Helen on the Stephanie Miller show. Anyone who is a Sparklefan would also be a Miller fan - google her for your local station.
Before Helen, I had dismissed anyone over 55, assuming they were angry and Republican for no apparent reason like my dad. He's so delusional about the current administration that I'm thinking about putting him in a home. Helen has restored my faith that the America I grew up in is still out there.
Talk about the "straight talk express". GottaI love that granny!
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