U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (R) shakes hands with India's Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee before their meeting in New Delhi October 4, 2008. Rice arrived in India on Saturday after Congress ratified a historic nuclear pact, but was unlikely to sign the deal during her visit because of a bureaucratic 'glitch'. (B Mathur/Reuters)
BREAKING: Condoleezza Rice still exists, and she's still totally the secretary of state! Neat! She's having a working weekend, and she met a little man with branches sprouting from his body, but... Uh, oh! They can't seal their little pact thingy because somebody (George Bush) forgot to sign the legislation:
NEW DELHI: India and the US were unable to ink the pathbreaking civil nuclear agreement on Saturday with New Delhi making it clear that it would do so only after President George W. Bush signs it into a law, an occasion when it expects certain misgivings to be cleared.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Bush's signing of the legislation, which was approved by the US Congress earlier this week, into law had got delayed due to "administrative" reasons and there were "no open issues" involved.
Well, my goodness, I hope they get those "certain misgivings" settled, because the world obviously needs more countries with nuclear weapons.
Another triumph for Condi!
bush can sign his own name?
Ha! And all this time I figured dickhead cheney was doin' it for him . . . .
We've seen the Indian fellow before, when Ursula towered over him in a post a while back. Instead of wearing lifts, I guess he's decided to become a flowering plant to look taller.
What...they don't have an iron in India or on Airforce Two. What's with the wrinkled pantsuit?
I can haz nucular option?
They look particularly unenthusiastic.
didnt you know
you can NEVER sign a nucular pact in gray....
and it thought condi had her fashion down pat, like a mushroom cloud
Those aren't branches, those are the appendages of the Alien Being who controls the Grey Suits Who Sign Pacts.
Icky poo. I'm locking up the cat tonight. The Greys are in town...
Glad to know she went all that way to shake the plant's hand.
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