Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin speaks at a campaign rally in Carson City, Nevada. The US presidential campaign got nastier Sunday as a leading US newspaper revealed that Republican vice presidential nominee Palin used her position as Alaska state governor to give top jobs in her administration to personal friends. (AFP/Getty Images/Max Whittaker)
Let's just give this one tiny adjustment:

Much better!
UPDATE: The neocons totally luv Sarah! They think she's a "blank page," and it's hard to argue with that! They are now in the process of scribbling their crazy ideas all over that blank page. Neat!
Ever wonder what your name would be if Sarah and Todd were your parents?
Wonder no more .
I love that name generator.
Holy shit, it says Ah maht be prezdint some day!
Oh, finally. Proof that she was gestating Alien pods. I hope our country fares better than the mothership.
Change you can bevel in!
lipstick on a scorpion.
See...I just don't get the Neocons all over her...if they turn her too conservative then the American people are gonna smell a lot of Bush-ness on her...and they don't...wait...I'm wrong...I'll shut up now...here's to another 4 years of nonsense
can I get that as a mud flap?
Is there room here for an Alien pull-my-finger joke?
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