Has anybody else noticed this? I'm not going to name any names, but 90% of the stuff I'm reading from bloggers in Denver is cracking me up. HERE I AM being patronized by a congressman! HERE I AM sitting in the vicinity of professional journalists! HERE I AM with other bloggers writing about themselves! HERE I AM being taken seriously, for some reason, by a local newscaster!
OMG, I can't wait for the Republican version.
UPDATE: Ha, ha, Columbia Journalism Review just posted a hilarious article saying, basically, exactly the same thing.
Updated with a better still from Betty Boop's Snow White here.
UPDATE: Look at this post and wonder if it's intentional parody or what?
So much for the new media being the salvation of journalism. It's akin to the "hey ma, I'm on the teevee!" dumbassery rednecks engage in when they wave behind a reporter doing a live shot in front of a burned-out house.
LOL!!!!! I imagine they are as self-absorbed as us Anglican / Episcopal bloggers!!! Too funny!
Let's talk about something interesting ... let's talk about me.
You just know they're typing with one hand too.
Great graphic Princess!
A certain political blogger named John Halitosis lowered the bar for all bloggers.
From showing off pics of his orchids to begging for money from his readers(reminding us daily that he blogs for a living!)he made me suspicious of blogging in general.
Drew, I tried so hard to get a better picture of that frame! It's from the Betty Boop cartoon "Snow White," and all I've got is a terrible low-res copy from Archive.org.
Karen, well, yeah. The biggest disappointment for me has been Pam's House Blend.
My dearest PSP,
If you don't already have it, you can get a full copy of Betty Boop's "Snow White from your sharing neighbors here: "http://www.mininova.org/tor/1064571
or here
Good tip, because the one on archive.org really sucks.
Oh, I guess our bloggy mates just can't help themselves. They watch and learn from the masters.
Just this morning, as my roommates watched Good Morning America's coverage of the convention (as torture?), I watched in horror as the once lovely and talented Diane Sawyer showed a pantingly and painfully interested (but still lovely) Robin Roberts how small ABC's little Convention HQ is, how big the hall is, etc.
I threw up a little in my mouth, forced myself to swallow the bitter bile, and reminded myself that I used to really respect Diane Sawyer.
It's the Zeitgeist, Princess. The day of the disinterested and invisible observer is over, alas.
The problem is there is no Dr. Condi around to rivet their collective attention and galvanize their gaze, Or glaze.
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