Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, signs a Declaration of Strategic Partnership and Cooperation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia Antonio Milososki, at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday, May 7, 2008. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)
A what? What's this meaningless document? A Declaration of Strategic Partnership and Cooperation? Sounds non-binding. Neat, Condi! I guess every tiny fake accomplishment helps to blunt the edge of all the failures. Whatever gets you through the week, Girlfriend!
"This agreement is really from the people of the United States to the people of Macedonia," Condi said. And it's true! And as if to prove that for every big boy who won't play with her, there are two tiny ones who will, she also met with the president of Panama. Yes! Not the foreign minister! The actual president:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice appears with the President of Panama Martin Torrijos Espino at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday, May 7, 2008. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)
Please be deeply impressed.
So impressed, right?
Princess, you mock! Aren't we still the World's Only Superpowerâ„¢? Are not all tiny in comparison to Mighty Us?
I mean, except for China?
And maybe the European Union?
Oh yeah, and Russia still has nukes and their economy isn't a complete cripple anymore.
Okay, maybe she could talk to some of them. But she's very busy!
And don't forget how much bigger Ursula is than ALL of us.
in pic 2 Condi looks as if she has never been touched by another human being...never has she appeared more of a Condibot. After seven+ years in Washington, she seems to have totally left Mother Earth.
Look at that flesh-flash! She's veering dangerously into Madeleine Albright territory . . .
When will she learn properly to sit and not cross her legs? When?
Ah, c'mon, don't you think it's appropriate for the Secretary of State to show us Paris, to show us France?
are you making fun of Condi in Macedonia, a new movie!
Gift for Condi?
That is so inappropriate - I'm 24 and work as a receptionist and I know that's unprofessional!
Frankly, her legs uncrossed, do nothing, nothing, nothing to advance any causes, political or otherwise.
Like her or not, Nancy Pelosi is a model of how a lady in an official capacity should sit.
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