Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, second right, and Veterans Affairs Secretary James Peake, right, laugh as President Bush inspects an air horn during a send off to members of Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride, Thursday, April 24,2008, on the South Lawn at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Hooray! Clap for the entertaining maimed vets, Condi! They're here to amuse you! And why shouldn't they? After all, they wouldn't be there if it weren't for Condi! So fun! A girl couldn't ask for braver, more photogenic props.
UPDATE: I put this up really early in the morning, so I've fixed what I later realized was one of the worst-constructed sentences to ever appear here. It's also interesting to note that the comments reveal this to be one of the most sickening spectacles ever presented on this site. It certainly impressed me!
No photo tells us more about the past 7+ years than this one ...
Nothing accessorizes for Condi like Ferragamo shoes and a wheelchair-bound vet!
Other women her age might marvel at other things that they have had a hand in, but for Condi, nothing says "job well done" like a legless man in a wheelchair.
Smiling and clapping for maimed veterans perfectly illustrates what makes a couple of psychopaths like Bush and Condi happy.
I hope they both end up in the section of Hell that pipes in Yoko Ono singing 24/7.
I am always amused by how much George reminds me of my senile grandpa. The way he is looking at that airhorn is exactly the way my grandpa would be looking at it.
Why is she even there? Shouldn't she be hunting down Jimmy "HUSSEIN" Carter or something?
This is the sort of photo that makes the Rude Pundit want to down a handful of Xanax and wash it down with Wild Turkey. It makes me feel that way, too.
Would love a link to a larger photo, so I can see Il Ducebag and his perplexity at the airhorn even better!
I wonder if these two deeply religious people experience any guilt about what they have done to this country and the world.
Two deeply religious people? Where? Surely you're not referring to George and Condi?
The vets aren't laughing. They aren't even smiling.
"Il Ducebag"
that's sublime!!!
If ever a photo could make me despise them anymore, this is it. At the same time, it is painful - painful to see these men, their lives irrevocably altered, being subjected to the condescension of this group of sociopaths. ARrrrrgh!
I'm looking at this photo after hearing the terrible truth about iraq & afghan veteran suicide rates. the head of the VA tried to keep it under wraps, publicly estimating fewer than 800 last year, when the real number is 1,000 per month.
oh - and, uh ... "shhh!"
karenzipdrive, don't insult Yoko Ono like that.
I'm usually on board with the making of fun about George and Condi and the gang, but this one is outside of "funny" and right smack dab in the middle of "tragic", bordering on "nightmarish".
The long winded way to say, words fail me.
Their hubris and complete lack of empathy are mind-boggling. I don't think anyone standing in that photo has a human soul; they're all just laughing it up at Chimpy. As Matty said, words fail.
Dear admirers of PSP,
Allow me to share Matty's expressions of his human feelings (how can we not have such feelings in seeing this troubling photo) about this "iconic" picture, about which I hope (and many thanks to genius PSP in pointing it out) should be part of any history of our beloved country at the beginning of this new century, a beginning made horrid (and it need not have been) thanks to a power-grabbing/"kick-ass" fake Texas hick -- or, another words, a real spoiled preppie frat Boy with nothing to do but "stick it to 'em [whoever they are]" with the help of his Condipany.
By "sticking it to them," of course, I mean all of us the world over.
Makes my heart hurt.
The way I see it is that no one made the vets ride their big wheels in front of Busholini. They did it willingly and you know they were proud about it. "Why?",I ask myself. Haven't got a fucking clue. It's all thooper-doopper creepy.
This is the most disturbing photo I have ever seen posted on this blog.
It's sickening and horrific. You are truly perceptive, sparkle pony - for picking this photo.
Go ahead, put it in your mouth and pull the trigger.
Yes, all the elements of comedy are present; but the grim reality of pain and suffering nullifies the humor; it's not funny 'cause it's true.
Jeez, this photo makes my "Support The Troops" magnet seem so hollow.
Bush isn't looking at the airhorn in puzzlement, or senility. It's his way of dismissing the maimed vets in front of him. An airhorn is more worth his priveleged attention; that's the message. Think back to all the other times he's been arrogantly dismissive of anyone or anything he doesn't deign to grace with his attention.
Robert Altman willed that picture into existence from beyond the grave. Sublime, yet utterly vile.
Why can't these suckers just go die somewhere, so we don't have to see photographs of them in their flag draped coffins? It's more fun to pretend like they don't exist. (sarcasm, obviously)
This makes my stomach turn over. They're like degenerate Romans watching a spectacle of suffering in the Coliseum. Soulless, heartless, evil.
It's Bush's way of dismissing the maimed vets in front of him. An airhorn is more worth his priveleged attention; that's the message.
Truer words were never spoken.
"I'm bored. It's all only maimed, legless vets from my war.
You know, I wonder, just what are the ingredients of an air canister?"
Because, that, you see, could be interesting or important.
They are desperate to avert their eyes, so Decider looks at the doohickey in his hand, and the others look at Decider.
These people make me so ill, they disgust me and they can't leave soon enough. Get them out of office and out of this country, they contaminate anything they come near or have anything to do with. They are the true axis of evil, along with their promoters and followers.
Do they give Pulitzer's for caption-writers?
They should.
-- desertwind
This photo belongs in a 21st-century "war on terror" Dada show.
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