U.S. President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush look on as U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi bows and kisses the ring of Pope Benedict XVI as he is welcomed to the United States at a ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, April 16, 2008. At right is U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, an unidentified man and U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney. REUTERS/Larry Downing (UNITED STATES)
Why Nancy Pelosi? Is she the only Catholic in this little group? How do these rules work? For reals! I mean, does the Pope have a "spotter's guide" or something (do NOT let the first lady's mouth get anywhere near your hands!)? I don't know for sure, but I think Condi didn't get to kiss the ring, because there would for sure be pictures of that. What kind of world is it when Nancy Pelosi kisses the Pope's ring and Condi doesn't? The kind of world, I guess, where lavender pantsuits are less of a crime than starting disastrous, unnecessary wars. Poor Condi! The Pope should be kissing HER ring! Oh wait, that's right: Condi doesn't have a ring.
Jenna sucked the ring.
I hearz that Pope Benny has a squirt ring which is why Condi and all the others are laughing at Pelosi takin' it in the face. That Benny -- what a rake.
You just couldn't help yourself, could you, Princess? Ho hum, the pope's a bore, here are some monkeys, la de da. But put the Pope and Condi and Crazy Eyes and Nancy Pelosi in the same picture, and it was just too much for you.
I have to say, Larry Downing should be given some major award for getting an expression on Laura's face that doesn't look like "Flowers are pretty". That look expresses "ick." Or it would on a human.
OMG, I just had a flash of Crazy Eyes taking a big hunk out of Pope Benny's hand! Maybe she'd take a whole finger, just like a snapper turtle. Or maybe like Dawn of the Living Stepford Psycho. Just imagine the zany scene as they wrestle her to the ground while Popey Boy runs screaming in circles, blood geysering all over everything! heehee!
OK, sorry. Just a little bit sleep deprived this morning...
Pelosi's suit is puce, not lavender!
And Laura's revulsion at the sight of Pelosi kissing the Pope's ring just shows she's a desciple of Satan.
I heard on the tube that Laura should not have been wearing white...
If Laura wasn't supposed to be wearing white, then it makes me like her just a teensy, tiny bit more that she did.
you are aware that "ring" has a double meaning in the UK, best captured in one particularly hilarious bit on the show Extras when Andy meets the Priest.
it makes the coverage of the Pope's visit all the more entertaining.
Condi's a Presbyterian, so no, she wouldn't kiss the Pope's ring.
Condi's a Lezbyterian?
Kissing the ring of the Pope, has always symbolized alliegence to the Pope number 1, and all other duties come 2nd. The Bush's and Condi, already kissed the Pope's ring at the Vatican where it wasn't so public. I have seen pictures, of all the Bush's, including Clinton, and Gore kissing the Pope's ring. America is now under the authority of a bunch of traitors who obey the Pope.
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