Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, right, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend the inauguration of the new opera building in Oslo Saturday April 12, 2008. (AP Photo/Bjorn Sigurdson / SCANPIX / Pool)
I mean... hubba hubba! I guess it turns out that Polish magazine was pretty accurate!
Ach du lieber!
She's the bazoomiest! A veritable Hindenberg of bosoms!
Her jewelry and her ample bosoms bring together all the naughtiest ideas.
Hey, now! Even I'd be tempted to give a hot chick like that a neck rub!
wow... those are some fantastic funbags. wunderbar.
Holy crap, I'd be smothered.
emmersome tig ol bitties
Imagine if Condi or Hillary showed up wearing that. We wouldn't hear about Iraq or torture for years.
Not to give them any ideas, mind you.
Actually, I doubt if Dubya would have given her a neck rub had she been wearing that dress ... that would have made Condi too jealous of her "husband."
Ich bin ein BOOBIES!
Merkel is the same age as Rice. Hmmm...
Wimmern, liebe ich jene riesigen Brüste! Es läßt mich in ihnen wie zwei Babyferkeln graben wünschen!!
Ist ganz fantastisch! She should be mounted to the prow of a stately ship.
Now THOSE are SOME bodacious tatas! WOwzers! I would vote for her just on the basis of this photo.....if I lived in Germany..
I hesitate to imagine what Dubya's neck rub would have been had she been wearing that! Of course we would have some good video of his eyes where they didn't belong...
Stop staring at her boobs! She's the chancellor of Germany, you neanderthals! ;)
Why is her skin two-toned? It looks like the worst Photoshop job imaginable, but I've seen it elsewhere today so I assume the farmer-white monster boobs are legitimate. Or is that her dress? And if it is a dress, why is the separation between the two boobs being emphasized?
Almost as weird as the Nazi pope's hair today as he stepped off the plane in your city, Princess.
God. And everybody got so worked up about Hillary's tiny cleavage.
Americans are such prudes.
It looks like she has one of the plastic butts on her chest.
Uh oh!
"The chancellor's dressmaker, designer Anna von Griesheim, described Merkel's code as "power suit in the day, princess at night.""
Isn't that yr job description, Sparkly One?
It's all fake. Merkel's boobs, Germany, U.S., PSP, reality, the Pope's visit, my genitals, flowers outside, life after death ...
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