EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso kisses Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko goodbye after a meeting at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Monday Jan. 28, 2008. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
A commenter in my last post to feature the Ukrain's fabulous girl prime minister pleads:
Have you ever seen a picture of the BACK of Yulia Tymoshenko's braid-halo-do? I'm dying to know what's going on back there. More braid? Blank space? Please share.
Your wish is my command!
That is perfection.
I stand corrected. I'd heard (no doubt from her political enemies) that the braid is as detachable as the Condibot's head. If that was once the case, it obviously no longer is.
She's not a natural blonde, tho'.
dont you think Condi would look fab wih a braid?
Tymo needs an Afro.
Now that is a hairdo. Condi's been treading water. Lame duck 'do.
Doesn't it make you wonder about the Hairdo Alert? Maybe McCain will choose Condohoozzzza for VP and she'll have to get cracking again.
Otherwise you should create a new level of alert... Suspended Animation.
Judging by the delicate flyaway baby hair at the nape of her neck, she looks like a natural blonde to me.
PSP, you have proven to be a photo fetcher extraordinaire. Can you find one of Ursula at a nude beach please?
OMG! Erm, I am writing from the UK, so maybe there is the time difference thing, but please, WHAT IS GOING ON!! I need to go and lie down I think...
That is a hairdo her family may take pride in for generations to come.
Condi in braids would solve the kerfuffles that she has with her hair.
Some lit 12" white tapers and that 'doo's complete.
Halo Yulia!
Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! It's Heidi!
Thanks PSP! I'll sleep a lot easier tonight now that *that* gnawing mytery is solved.
It's a beautiful do indeed! I'm sure it's enhanced though. Her hair would have to be extremely long with no layers to make such a super thick braid that can wrap all the way around and be the same thickness from beginning to end. In pics of Tymo with her hair down it doesn't look long enough for this to be real, plus it definitely has layers. Either way it's gorgeous!
I wear my hair in a similar way all the time, and it's pretty long, but I could never come close to this. I always get the Heidi thing when I do it, but I actually copied it from a black girlfriend of mine. It looked so good on her. And hers WAS real!
I have pretty long hair (to my butt without layers) but even I can't get the whole braid around my head. Her hair must at least reach the middle of her thigh!
What I do to braid it around my head is a french braid backwards. Don't know how else to describe it -just google "dutch crown braid". This way even women with shorter hair can wear that hair-do. ;-)
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