European Union Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner,center, poses for photographers along with Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, right, and Finland's President Tarja Halonen, left, during the "Women Stabilizing an Insecure World" conference held at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Thursday March 6, 2008. Behind Ferrero-Waldner is Italy's Minister of International Trade and European Affairs Emma Bonino, behind Ferrero-Waldner and Tymoshenko is European Parliament Vice-President Luisa Morgantini. ( AP Photo/Thierry Charlier.)
Oh, dear, why isn't America's Favorite Princess Diplomatâ„¢ in this shot? Fun fact: none of the women shown above have ever helped start a unnecessary war! Neat!
BUT WHERE IS URSULA?!?!?!?!!?!??
These astute women clicked their heels three times and made Dr. Ferragamanolo disappear to California.
I have a confession. I consider myself a feminist. I'm pretty sure I'm a woman.
But I want that woman in the beautiful braid to make me waffles.
Is that wrong? (For the record, I also want her to create world peace.)
I want the woman in the braid to whip me in the face with that braid, then give me some cunniyodeling.
Have you ever seen a picture of the BACK of Yulia Tymoshenko's braid-halo-do? I'm dying to know what's going on back there. More braid? Blank space? Please share.
I have it on good authority that Yulia is a natural brunette, and that trademark braid is detachable.
The braid and the ruffle. I almost don't care that Ursula isn't in this picture.
Fun fact #2: Benita Ferrero-Waldner is Ursula Plassnik's predecessor as Austria's chief diplomatrix.
too many anti condis too little time
These astute women clicked their heels three times and made Dr. Ferragamanolo disappear to California.
Please please please, make her disappear to some brush farm or cactus patch in some other border state.
I want braidy lady to make me some cocoa with mini-marshmellows.
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