Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, leans back towards guests behind her during a performance by The Temptations R&B Motown singers in the East Room of the White House in a ceremony celebrating the beginning of African American History Month, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008 in Washington. Sitting in the front row with Rice are from left to right, President George Bush, first lady Laura Bush, their daughter Jenna Bush, and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Neat! And Bush, bless him, used the occasion to come out against noose displays, surely a brave and controversial position. Here's Jenna helping Condi be proud to be allegedly African American:
Also yesterday, Condi took up the important challenge of celebrating a seal:
The event was obviously one of those great, random Condievents we love. Did you know that Dr. Ferragamo is the official custodian of the Great Seal? I think that means she has to dust it every once in a while, as she's doing above? Oooooh, and you thought she had no power.
Dubya--soul brother #1!
Where's Not Jenna?
The Temptations? Jesus, are they still alive?
I guess they had to select a soul group so old they wouldn't insult the president.
I like the gentleman to her left in pix no. 3 -- we need a few not-yet-dead white males, for diversity's sake...
Either the bitch is pigeon-toed or has no friggin clue how to stand in front of a group of people properly.
Manolo sighting!!! She is wearing those damned Manolos again!!!!!
She looks almost . . . rapt, in that second picture. Almost . . . human.
That unaccustomed, pigeon-toed stance inclines me to believe the Condibot's joints need some oilin'.
Clearly, this is the Condibot. The real Dr. Manolo is looking for a job. Condibot is on cruise control stuck in the "blah blah blah yada yada yada" subroutine: "American Realism" at Georgetown, Normalizing relations with Iraq in conjunction with the Gatesbot, and now appearing as backup for the Temptations at of all places the "White" House for Black History Month. What a boring year for Condi and her bot.
so the captions says "celebrating the beginning" of black history month? on february 12?
the month is half over, george.
and that jenna, poor dear, looks so like her dad.
Yeah, Jenna has that same dumb look of bemusement. I think both she and her daddy have fetal alcohol syndrome.
Even Jenna is embarassed by Condi's attempt to get down.
-- desertwind
jenna is the spitting image of her father. it's frightening. it's like george bush in drag.
In that photo with Georgette, Condi looks like she's singing along!!! Oooo, bay-beee...
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