Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice leans to kiss the cheek as she announces the retirement of Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, left, Friday, Jan. 18, 2008, at the State Department in Washington. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Uh-ohs, Condi is losing one of the people who does the real work for her! I'm not going to pretend to be very familiar with Mr. Burns, but he worked for Madeleine and Warren, so I think that means he's a commie and good riddance. You know how the neocons complain that George is too influenced by Condi who's too influenced by the evil, career diplomats at the State Department? And that's why we don't go ahead and bomb Iran? OK, I'm pretty sure Burns is the type of guy they're complaining about. So, yay! That's one less person to wag a finger when Cheney wants to nuke Tehran! Um, yay!
And actually, Condi looks happy to see him go. She also looks wasted:

But her hair looks good. She probably is wasted. She certainly has wasted.
Must be that strawberry drink...maybe she brought some back with her.
She certainly looks better than she did toward the end of 2007...what a difference 30 days and a trip with her husband can make.
Frankly, the 1-2 ounces she has gained looks great on her.
WTF?? I thought that was John Edwards she was smooching.
I'm with Karen, it looked a little like John Edwards as a burn victim.
And that face in the second picture! Yow! She's going to be in the next MethodMan RedMan comedy, I guess.
Dude, your dog is farting!
he used to have a mustache at one point...
has condi been swiping those lines from her husband oops boss
"Hey Georgie! Let's go play with the big red candy-like button!"
in the second pix she looks vaguely like Jack Nicolson (sp) in the Batman movie...
She's definitely wearing a "goodbye to all that" expression . . .
I'm sure he's looking forward to his new assignment in Iraq.
"shee-it, yeah--Georgie and I had a great time without that Pickles bitch! I'm still a little buzzed, man!"
"Leaving to take a job in the private sector" = GOP bigwigs enlist him in a desperate search for foreign funds to prop up Wall St.
Hey, give her a break. A girl's gotta get out once in a while and kick up her heels. Have a few cocktails, play a few games of Iran the Monopoly board game with old shooter and then start the DC bar crawl.
Oh princess, I just had a horrible thought. What happens next year if the new president tosses Condi out on her stiff ass? I know a wise president wouldn't cut loose such a remarkable person as Ms Rice, but what if they do? What will happen to your blog? Will you continue to follow her as she continues to save the world?
Patricia, I'm looking forward to covering Condoleezza Rice: Governor of California.
And if not that, honey, do you really think the paparazzi is going to drop her like a hot potato?
Fear not, for Condi will be in the public eye for many a moon to come.
Can't wait for the Dubya-Condi honeymoon! That will really get the paparazzi interested...
Oh PSP, I'm so glad you have a plan for the afterlife of the Condo woman.
When she buys her very own baseball team, that'll bring her back into the spotlights for sure. I heard she wants a baseball team to play with and once she's out of office, it'll be the perfect time to chase that star she has wished upon.
After Condi leaves the white house, even if we all do continue to vicariously stalk her, I really really hope the new president hires a side kick with interesting hair to make fun of/ worship. Fresh blood!
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