U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, and Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al Faisal, listen to reporters during a joint press conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)
Not noted in the caption: they are seated on really cool chairs. Two hooves way up! But, OK, so on Monday I posited that it was not the real Condoleezza Rice in the Middle East with George, but her proxy, the Animagic Condibot. And I stand by that claim! Here, look:

So the Condibot spent, I guess, like 120 minutes in Iraq this morning? Well done! In and out super quick and efficient, just like... just like... no, sorry, I lost it.
But back to the fun-lovin' Saudi kingdom, where the Condibot has performed beautifully, in a manner of speaking, as George's walking stick, photo-op companion, arms-deal witness and Jesus tourist. I think it's safe to say that the cleverly-crafted robot spent the lion's share of the day signing things, being photographed and talking to reporters, and that's her job! That's what Condi does! Yay! Also, I like how this trip seems like they're all making little forays and then scurrying back to the cozy, comfy Sauds. And it just goes to show that there are no cozier buddies than oil buddies and I say that's neat!

OH, and also? Iraq? According to Condi, everything is great! "I think people know a democratic and unified Iraq is here to stay," she said, hilariously.
has she been to the Riyadh Ferragamos to buy a burka????
Like her or not, she does look so damnably presentable, the perfect excuse for her total inability to have a serious thought on any topic of importance.
I love her shiny black shirt. Obviously it's an homage to OPEC for jacking up oil prices to please her owners at Standard Oil.
Maybe they'll name another tanker after her.
They do look comfortable together. In the first shot they'e sharing stern expressions companionable, and that third shot is quite the tableau, indeed. Perhaps when the Bush Administration is over (as if), the 'Bot will be moving to Saudi...
The grey jacket/black shirt look is an obvious nod to Sweet Pea Atkinson, lead singer of Was (Not Was), famed for his big pimpin' outfits. She just needs a wide brim hat.
Princess, are there hand holding pictures with the Condibot and the Saudis, or is that considered "creepy" over there?
Saudi Arabia is the PERFECT place for a Condibot to vacation. Oil can! Oil can! Oil can!
The Saudis hold hands with A GIRL? Are you kidding? How totally gay!
You there! (clap-clap)
How much for the girl?
how does she get away with wearing pants?
Yep, it's the condibot. Condibot doesn't have that facial shadow that the real Dr. Condi has occasionally when the camera lighting is bad. That's because the oil is being used to keep condibot from creaking. The real Condi drinks the oil, which occasionally leaks onto her face, making it appear that she forgot to depilate.
@Jolie: I was wondering the same thing about covering for her head.
She's as absurd as Jennifer Garner in the recent movie, "The Kingdom." One of my favorite lines from that stinker was "we need a little less boobiness around here" when referring to Jennifer Garner's offending breasts and gender in Saudi Arabia.
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