U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, left, meet with Kurdish officials in Kirkuk, Iraq Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007. Rice made an unannounced visit Tuesday to Kirkuk in the oil-rich Kurdish region, where the U.S. administration has emphasizing what it sees as new signs of cooperation and progress, and then flew to the Iraqi capital for meetings with national leaders. (AP Photo/Emad Matti)
Yes! Condi is on one of those OMG SURPRISE visits to Iraq! Well, after solving all of Africa's problems in one day a couple of weeks ago, this should be a snap. Will we get any photo-ops from Baghdad? Will Kleenex be plentiful? Stay tuned!
Crocker has a look that says, "It hurts to sit right now, cuz she paddles so hard."
I'm sure this is just my overactive imagination, cuz everything in Iraq right now is such good news.
Is that a St. John outfit?
I could be wrong, but that doesn't look like a St. John suit. The noteworthy black/yellow exaggerated houndstooth one must be, though.
Crocker does look rather defeated, doesn't he? Yet Condi looks like she's still "in the mood." *ew yuck*
"Crocker has a look that says, "It hurts to sit right now, cuz she paddles so hard.""
Rice made an unannounced visit Tuesday to Kirkuk in the oil-rich Kurdish region
I heard there was a big sale on shoes...
I'm curious...looking at these and other photos of Rice for my kid's school project, I came across your website and this photo of Rice: http://img.timeinc.net/time/time100/2007/images/condi_rice.jpg
Is this really how she looks, or has someone photoshopped this photo to make her look unattractive? Other photos of her portray her as a relatively attractive woman. I decided to choose a more flattering photo of her.
Has anyone seen her in person?
what's with the red outfits --- is she some kind of commie?
I, for one, have been in The Presence. She is a perfectly presentable person, albeit with distinct posture issues (slumps) and, as the archives of this invaluable site so clearly demonstrate, major hair difficulties.
She has the misfortune to have an at-rest expression that is halfway between disdain and sulkiness. She presents less as a Leader of the Free World than a moderately successful, wholly humorless mid-level executive - branch VP for HR of a regional bank, perhaps.
As for the red, I suspect that at some point some consultant told her that it warms her up. Given her own way, it seems likely she would revert to tan suits with white hose.
Well. I guess this means she got her cards 'n shopping done early this year. Clearly diplomacy is not keeping her as busy as it could.
Thank you Muscato for your perceptive comments.
La Rice is "W"'s pal because she does not challenge him intellectually; she is a second-rate mind and he is a third-rate one. Thus they see eye-to-eye.
How can we people have put up with this idiotic duo for seven years?
Is this before, during or after Turkey bombed in northern Iraq while sending 500 troops in to occupy a couple of villages?
How embarassing for Condi!
Bustin' Loose: Our Secretary of State out of, yes, another red suit (albeit a little too tight)
Muscato, thanks for your response. My teenage son has a major crush on the Secretary.
This site is hilariously informative. Wish I would have happened upon it sooner.
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