Oho, so this is why there was no Condiproduct yesterday: she was undergoing a fairly extensive hairdo treatment. Yes! Let's look at Condi's new hairdo:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, talks with Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Mitsuhide Iwaki, prior to President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda delivering their joint statement, Friday, Nov. 16, 2007, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)
It's quite a bit shorter, and almost perfectly spherical! I think it's kicky! And Condi looks extra pleased with herself, and that's exactly what a new hairdo is supposed to do. Oh, good show, Condi, good show! Let's look again:

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
Wheee! This could get shaky. Will the Condoleezza Hairdo Alert System need to go to HIGH?
UPDATE: I'm thinking, OMG, how prophetic was that fake photo I made yesterday of Condi with curlers in her hair, dramatizing an event which happened the same day she was likely receiving hairdo treatments. It's spooky!
She's practically Gidget!
I'm thinking it's her invisible friend turned visible.
Now I'm really scared. Forget about that ridiculous, hyped-up Department of Homeland Insecurity Orange Level crap. If the Princess is raising the Condoleezza Hairdo Alert System up a notch, it's a sign that the world really is teetering on the brink.
Fun and flirty!
I can totally see Condi in a remake of 'Theodora Goes Wild.'
Turning 53 is very traumatic. She hasn't been a prime number for six years, back when the world was almost fucking normal.
condi KNOWS her hair will prevent her from any pesky little damage that mushroom cloud she predicts will do...
i am going to ask the Astor Place Barbers in NY to put a picture of old Helmut Head up so it will become ALL THE RAGE in New York
You have to scare yourself a little, don't you??
It's about time--the hairdo alert has been stuck at a low grade for quite some time.
That'll strike fear into the hearts of terrorists worldwide.
The hair? Frankly, I think it's more Annette Funicello than Gidget, but it's also very much the sort of thing one would see on the second or third girl in a Motown group - nice, but not good enough for the lead. A very Mary Wilson sort of 'do.
It's the suit I'm interested in - it is, I believe, hitherto unseen, and seems to have some very strange frogging-action going on around the cuffs and midriff.
Oh, and big props to Reuters' Kevin Lamarque - he's managed to make the poor old thing look almost winsome, Klingon brow and all...
What would we -- this nation -- do without you?
You are the only person who can make us laugh at that vulgar, spider-like little Bush disaster, "Dr" Rice.
Can you imagine she will actually be "teaching" the young at Stanford once her Dubya gig is over?
I'm thinking that you're slowly becoming one with the Condi Follicles (Condiclles?).
I agree with muscato, she looks actually happy in those pictures. That smile is so genuine, the "unbelievably not photoshopped" tag would be appropriate.
If she keeps it up, even the mainstream media will have to stand up and take notice. It has to be at least as important as Hillary Clinton's cleavage!
It's true she looks happy. I think it's the new 'do and the fact that her suit was made entirely of GHWB 41 files from the national archives. (Those embellishments are very obviously those little brackets from the end of file cabinets).
CHEC IT OUT - not only is the hair perfectly round, but overlaid golden rectangles perfectly enclose her right hand AND maintain personal space between her and Iwaki. Definitely a sign of good photo composition!
She actually does look happy- without the strained, I'm-actually-miserable smile we've all come to know and abhor.
The color is luscious and bright, and all the stubborn African hair traits have been processed into oblivion.
Alas, it'll be a colossal bitch to keep that 'do looking so sleek and smooth. One humid day and she's back to looking like she's wearing a budget-friendly kanekalon wig-hat she bought from Ruby's GlamoRama in Inglewood.
The hairdo alert has risen?
Atlas has shrugged.
Der Glitzenpony has finally become one with the Conditrix: after his years of careful study and observation, he now is sensitive to subtle shifts in the Condiflow.
He is The One(TM).
methinks she is a prime candidate for Botox. Can just see the naitonal ad campaign now...
Was Tzipi in town or something? That smile just cries out "I got some"...
At least in my opinion.
Cute 'do too.
Thank you for the technical illustration, z7; that is most welcome!
Heck, she does look cute - and Princess, I don't think you have ever posted a picture where she looks so genuinely happy
Yes, I remember seeing something on the news about Tzipi when I was flicking through yesterday...
If she is getting some and is happy then surely the world is a safer place?
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