Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, is confronted by CodePink member Desiree Anita Ali-Fairooz, her hands painted red, as Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., right, Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, right, looks on before Rice testified regarding US policy in the Middle East where she spoke about Iraq, Iran, and the Israel Palestinian conflict on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
OMG, I'm too busy today to deal with this, but here you go. There's video, too. OMGOMGOMG. I'm calling this a FLASH HAIRDO ALERT, but I'm just too busy right now to deal with it.
Pony Pal™ Uncle Splatty has an alternative explanation:
Code Pink suggests crimson styling gel for those bad hair days.....
CNN has the video here.
why isn't hairdo alert system at severe?! this is a crisis! what could possibly be more important?
substances from feminists befouled condi's hair!!!
OMG, OMG, OMG. And she's standing with Mr. Rich Holocaust Survivor Congressman Tom Lantos who wants to bomb all those Islamofascists to Kingdom Come.
And I know you must be crushed by a serious paying deadline or otherwise you'd give us at least one day of "SEVERE" as kora in hell suggests. It would sorta be beyond thrilling.
Actually, all the reports I've read claim that the woman "came close" to touching Dr. Ferragamo. If you look closely at the photo, actual physical contact with the hairdo does not seem to be happening. The moment the hairdo threatener was hustled out of the chamber, the menace had passed.
That's what I mean about it being a "flash hairdo alert", but there's really no reason to raise the alert, because that awful woman won't be getting anywhere near our heroine any longer. Scary, though!
Where the hell were her Blackwater guards?
The woman not only had painted fake blood on her hands, it appears she did a pantomime of touching Condi's head.
I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you. Does that bug you? Does THAT bug you?
Condi was heard to cry out Moooooom! and order was finally restored.
The protester called Dr. Shoes a "War Criminal".
No big deal.
She probably has been called worse.
Like Kissinger, after her tenure is up, she will vacation exclusively in the US of A.
This is sooo disturbing. OK I'm definately going to take an ambien tonight to ward off the nightmares. The horror....the horror....
Do we have an address for bail money and legal expenses for Ms. Redhands? Count me in!
BTW, the video of Condi smiling like a jack-o-lantern after the dust settled was stunning.
She really is a sociopath.
Desiree to Condi: "Gimme five!"
Let's all keep an eye out for the Code Pink Ladies--I fear they'll all be disappeared to Gitmo any day now.
Thank god the Dr. Shoes hair was untouched; otherwise, everyone in the place might've been Tasered.
Just so everyone is aware, screwing up a Black woman's do.... justifiable homicide.
fake blood on the hands to the left, fake thoughts in the head on the right; the dynamic clash of nations, worlds of thought, sexual tension of opposites, a potential for a real experience blossoming, each side distracted from both their own ideals and juxtaposition with their opposites, lost in the moment the cameras flashed; when love of self on film overtook any other ideals they might have once held dear.
Hmm, upon further consideration, just how easy is it to get that close to Condi when she appears in public?
Didn't anyone notice the throng of angry women in pink coming into the committee room?
I thought all the Bush neo-cons traveled in a heavily guarded entourage.
Maybe Condi's guards were told not to keep chicks away from her- it must get lonely being in DC without her wife Randy Bean, and it's not like Condi can troll for sex in the women seeking women section of Craig's List.
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