We haven't heard from Pony Pal™ Uncle Splatty in a while, but he's back with the above sign, provided as a public service to lighten the load of overworked public restroom sign manufacturers coast to coast. So the next time you come to the uncomfortable realization that your local bog is, in fact, a public sexytime bog filled with unsavory senators, simply print out Uncle Splatty's handiwork and let the world know. Yay!
FINALLY--signs that make sense in the real world!
i don't think you should emulate gross gawker. you are 100x better!!
It may just be my delicate nature, but seeing international stick figure people with bendable parts and articulated feet is almost as disturbing as the pictures of Ted Stevens and Pope Benny The Rat you inflicted on us earlier, Princess.
Spare a thought for the faint of heart, I beg you!
leeza, I've worked for Gawker (on Wonkette), and when they told me the "don't be afraid to be servicey" line, it cracked me up so much that I was giggling for hours. So, in other words, no apologies!
You go, Pony.
Pardon the interruption, please, Princess, but our pretend boyfriend is at it again:
With the talking and the speechifying and everything. *swoon!*
is that a wide stance?
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