Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice looks toward the empty seats in the front row as she attends the farewell ceremony of outgoing Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in the Great Hall at the Dept. of Justice Building, Friday, Sept. 14, 2007 in Washington. Behind Rice is Rebecca Turner Gonzales wife of Alberto Gonzales. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Going away parties are bittersweet affairs, especially when it's a pal like Alberto! I know the Princess Diplomatrix will miss him loads.
They embrace:

You may now vomit.
OMG - Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words. And what is that on the tip of Condi's nose in the second picture? I shudder to even speculate..no Condibot in those photos. (Hair still looks limp)
this is what happens when you use your deodorant to clean your Ferragamos
OMG! Did you see the highlights of Fredo's goodbye speech? He saw so much evil he could scarce believe it! I thought he was going to start quivering and break down and cry, but it looks like his wife and/or Condi would have slapped the shit out of him if he showed that much weakness.
It must be hard to be too good for this world. I have no experience as such purity myself.
Did she bite his ear off after the pic was taken? I would ask him but I'm sure he wouldn't recall.
L'Amour est enfant de Bohême,
Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi...
In the top photo, Condi is trying not to look at Mrs. Gonzales because she resembles her gal-pal Randy Bean too much. Condi gets lonely on the road, ya know, and if she can't be with the one she's with...
evil, both of them...Maybe we need Dubya with his "cornuto" (i.e., go, Texas football!) fingers-sign to keep the devil away.
Or maybe golden hot peppers around the neck of ordinary citizens of "2007" (also known as "1984") could do the trick, dearest PSP.
Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi...
How apropos.
Hook 'em Horns (that hand sign) is reserved only for UT students and alumni, unless you're at a Longhorn game, then it's okay for anyone who's rooting for UT to win.
For Bush to throw the Hook 'em Horns sign once again just shows what a clueless nimrod he is.
But enough about that shit- I am hoping the Blogosphere (led by PSP) explodes in a frenzy of blogs about Rice and Bean.
It's high time the neo-cons who adore the nation's most famous female Oreo realize they've been duped into rooting for a lesbian who cavorts with a liberal activist named Randy.
Princess, fyi,
Condi mentioned in
Zip, you are cleanin' it UP on this bloggy! Go on with yer bad self, girl.
I am starting to light religious candles and give fervent prayers that the Rice&Bean story will grow and spread like kudzu throughout the MSM and the Interneck.
I am hoping the Princess will continue to be the hub of all Rice&Beans pot stirring.
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