US Secrertary of State Condoleezza Rice (L) and Defense Secretary Robert Gates (R) look on as US President George W. Bush (not pictured) participates in a video teleconference in the White House. Powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Tuesday demanded the ouster of all "criminal" foreign security companies from Iraq after private contractors gunned down civilians in a Baghdad square(AFP/Jim Watson)
OMG, Condi looks dog-rough in today's adventure, in which she and tiny (but perfectly formed) Gatesy got to sit at a table and watch George talk to a big TV set. Fun! But can you imagine how many times they had to rehearse that? No wonder our Princess Diploteezza looks tuckered-out!
Looks like they brought in the booster chair for Lil' Gates.
Rice is tuckered out because of Bean(s)......
Whoops- looks like Randy Bean and Condi had a rough weekend instant messaging.
That may look like a map in front of her, but it's probably the design of the next outfit she plans to wear...or maybe a page from a shoe catalogue...
Introducing the companion piece- Gates 'Bot!
Gates looks like Steve Martin at a funeral.
Non hairdresser that I am, I think Condi's erratic and unkempt locks deserve a bump of the alert system.
This is written in the full realization that I'm not the Princess around here.
Is there a "looks like hell" level of the alert system?
Also, I heard on NPR this morning that the Pope refused to grant Condi a private audience; his aides claimed he was "on vacation" but the reporter said everyone knows he is still pissed that she blew off one of his reps back in 2003. The rep was trying to get BushCo to back down from going to war in Iraq.
Or else he heard she's into chicks.
I don't want to jump on the bandwagon prematurely, Princess, but I do agree that as the ultimate arbiter of Condi-hair, you may well want to consider an alert adjustment - in this snap, the 'do looks both deflated and weirdly round; what's happening with the bangs just isn't right either.
The overall effect is somehow as if Dr. F. were wearing a three-sizes-too-small Jackie O wig...
Wig, shmig... she just ain't having fun unless she's in one of those matching armchair shots.
Clearly, an Operation CondiGroom SWAT team is needed here...
Just think: emergency airdrops of hair product & undereye concealer -- hairdressers barreling down ziplines with blow dryers strapped to their thighs --and tubes of Smashbox Anti-Shine at the ready
It looks shorter, and therefore bouncier. But ... are those highlights, or just hair glare? The bangs are all wrong, but they might look nicer if they were combed right. The whole look just screams jet lag. Ugh, been there.
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