U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, and Panama's President Martin Torrijos, wave to journalists before a meeting at the presidential palace during the 37th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, OAS, in Panama City, Monday, June 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)
Uh, oh! You know what time it is? It's time for Condi Hand Turkeys™! Yay!

EDIT: Pony Pal™ JM reveals that I may have been subliminally drawn to bird imagery due to the setting:
I could be mistaken, but it looks like they're standing in front of the main entrance to the presidential palace in Panama City. The palace is named for the herons that have lived in that entranceway since the 1920s [Fmr. Pres. Porras had a bird fetish or something...I dunno]. The birds roam freely around the entrance patio, including around the room where Condi [appears to be/is] standing. They're probably locked up in their cages during a photo op, but if not, she'd have herons wandering around her legs...just out of sight of the camera frame. How very topical your hand turkeys are!
The last time I was there, the presidential bodyguards had just tossed dead shrimp into the fountain (pictured behind Condi) to feed the birds. Classy! I wonder if she got to see/smell shellfish carcasses?
Tecnicalmente, Princesa, Condi está una señorita.
¡Ay, que lastima! Lo siento mucho.
Ella es demasiado vieja llamar a "señorita", OK?
I wish the photo and the hand turkeys would have been separate entries because both are remarkable for two distinct reasons.
1. Photo: The trousers on Condi's Isaac Mizrahi suit from Target are so tight, if she weighed five pounds more she's be sportin' a substantial camel-toe.
2. Hand turkeys: Miss Princess Pony, thank you so much for your precision with selecting a typeface so perfect for the balloon captions.
You elevate blog graphics to an art form with your attention to detail. Besides, the punchline kicked ass.
Have you seen Condi's lovely Vanity Fair Africa covers? Wonderful to see her there with George & Bono for yet another worth while photo op, I'm sure they'll do lots to help Africa ;)
Holy great screaming crap, that was the funniest thing I've seen all day... and the day has only just begun. This bodes well for the afternoon!
Es los pavos de los manos!!! Que rico! Me gusto much los pavos!! You adoro los pavos!
And yes- Condi is a bit long in the tooth to continue to be called Senorita.
Besides, after engineering war, death and destruction, Miss just no longer fits.
Just sayin'.
(Isasc Mizhari suit - now THAT is funny!)
Isn't she supposed to be in Europe, defiling the G8 conference? I mean can she really let George off the leash at a meeting like that?
It's all about the canal. You know how Condi feels about deep, frothy ditches.
Lovin the Turkey representation.
Thank you for a good laugh!
Right copperred !
Looks like she is planning to resign her job and run for president .
Eat the worm, Condi!
Love los pavos de mano, y Condi has never married so she *is* a señorita. But the country in between Panama and Venezuela is Colombia, with an "o".
Oh dear, Madame M, you are so correct! I'll have to change that later.
*embarrassed pony face*
After a certain age, never married fraulines become fraus. I think Condi merits a senora by now.
Fixed! Thank you!
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